Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/387

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES A fte r a vacancy of nearly two years* Rev. W illiam E . Ijam s was chosen pastor. H e was orctaineastora(e. and three additional elders were elected, namely: Dr. J . E. Robbins, jo h n M. Sechler and J . E . .Moore. M r. Hutchison resigned in 1907 and Rev. Jam es Wollaston K irk, D. D., the present pastor, entered upon his minLslry the same year. During Dr. K irk ’s pastorate the church — those holy h ilK properly has been much improved. The O ver whose acres walked those blessed feet. church building and the manse have been re­ W hich nineleen hundred years ago were nailed. Foe oiir transRressiofts. on the hitler eross. painted. electric light has been introduced info both buildings, and the auditorium and Sunday Under M r. Stew art's pastorate not only was school rooms have been handsomely repainted the church built up spiritually, hut the church ' and decorated. M rs. Abigail A . Geisingcr