Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/390

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these pastors. During the term o f Rev. Joseph W. Y . Cruikshank, Jaco b W ard and Jo h n R. France, A pril 27. i ^ i . while the Presiding Rote. F.ider w as offering prayer, prc]»aratory to K ev. Kichard Ilin kcl liccame pastor in 1885 administering the L ord 's Supper, the church and .served until 1887. In 1888 R ev. Findley w as struck by lightning, one woman being B. Kiddle returned, and served until 1890. killed. K cv. Ezra Yocum . D. D., became pastor in In ifis i Joseph Flanagan, Joseph H artnun 1891; he w as followed in 1892 by K cv. J . B. and Joseph Ixtnm cr were appointed class lead* Shaver, who rcnuined until 18 9 5; and he in ers. Succeeding Rev. W illiam Harden came turn w as succeeded by Rev. G coi^c D. PcncRevs. B. H. Hamlin. i86o> 6i; J . H . C. Dosh, packcr. who impressed the whole community 186 2-6 3: .A. M. B a m iit. i8<M-f>5. On March with his jiower a s a preacher. I, 1865. the llaltim orc Conference held In iS9(> Kcv. H. F . Dimmick, D. D.. became its session in this church. Bishop liakcr presid­ pastor. H e at once started most exten sive reing. There w as much excitement al this meet­ [lairs to the church. T h e old brick building, ing o f conference. T he trustees at the which hail long stood some distance fro m the of the conference threw "O ld G lory” to Ihe building line, wilh a yard around it, w as made win<) from the liclfry, and festooned the vesti- to assume ino<lcm sha|ie and architectural pro­ Inile with flags. On the m iding o f a dispatch portions. at a cost o f about $14,000. A large announcing the defeat and ca|>turc o f General Slone low er and a beautiful stone front were Irarly the enthusiasm burst forth in the singing erected, bringing the building out to the (lave­ of the doxolog)', “ Praise God. from whom all ment. and with stalely entrances and beautiful stained glass windows, giving the church a blessings flow.” In t866 Rev. J . M cKcndree R eiley, D. D.. commanding appearance, and making it one of was pastor, and in 1867 Dr. Kciley and Rev. the most beautiful and com(ilete houses of J . H. M cCord ministered to the congregation. worship in the Conference. A long continued revival in North Danville, •After Dr. Dimmick came R ev. II. C . H a r­ under the leadership of Rev. M r. M cCord, re­ mon. who served as pastor from 1901 to 1903. sulted in a large ingathering and the founda­ .After M r. Harmon. Rev. S . B . E van s minis­ tion. afterw ards, o f T rinity Methodist Church. tered lo the congregation during 1904 and I>nring this period the church liuilding was JCX15- In I906-O7 Rev. M . K . Foster, a saintly thoroughly repaired. man of the old school, watched over this flock R ev. Francis Hodgson. D. D ., succeeded Dr. with f.ithcrly care. In 1908 Rev. W illiam Brill R cilcy and ministered to the congregation w as (lastor. R ev. G . S . W om cr followed M r. from i8(»8 to 18 7 1. On March 10, iW>9. the B rill, and ministered in 1909-10. Rev. Joshua Central Pennsylvania Conference met in this K . Lloyd became pastor in 1 9 1 1 and served church. Bishop Scott presiding. Distin­ through 19 12 . H e made im n y friends in the guished visitors to this conference were Dr. community, who were s h o c k ^ in this year. R . I.. Dushicll, Chaplain C. C. M cCalie and 19 14 . to hear o f his .sudden death. In 19 13 the present (lastor. R ev. E . H. W it­ W illiam L . H arris. In i 86q the name o f St. Paul w as given to the church. man. began his w ork, and is much rcsfioctcd In 1870 Rev. Samuel Creighton l>egan a pas­ for his earnest consecration and fidelity to torate destined to win the respect, reverence duty. There is no better w ay o f closing this sketch and k>ve o f an appreciative congregation. He mintstcre<l until 1873. with the .assistance of than with the w ords o f R e v . H. C. Pardoe, in his historical serm on; Rev, .A. S . Bowman in 1872. Rev. Findley B. Riddle became the pastor in “ We do not throw an undue halo .aliout the 1874 an<l scraxd through 1875. 'Plien followed past, nor worship at the shrine of the olden Revs. W illiam A . Houck. iST^i-yS: J . M ax tim e; only give (he past its meed o f I^ n tz. 18 7 0 -8 1; H . C. Pardoe, 1IW2-84. and make it the ste(iping stone to something C. M . .Shoop w as made president of thehigher and better." board o f Inistees in 1874. and held the posi­ tion fo r iTuny years. ‘The official board in P in e S treet Lutheran C h u n k 1884 w as as follow s: Thom as W ards, C . M. .Sboop. Thom as C u rry, Joseph Hartm an. C. T he first authentic record o f this church L au lu ch, G . P. Raidatuugh, Charles Lim - goes back to about 1820. There w as a L u ­ bcrgcr, Rolicrt H . M orris. Jaco b H arris, W. theran Church in what is now Mahoning town­ L. Antrim, D r. F . H arpel, Joseph Flanagan. ship about which there are some scraps of