Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/502

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES KArcbner, and has the following children, I.loyd, Boyd, Elm er, Alveretta and R ile y; Lloyd Paxton Kline married 'ITteressa Kester, w ho died having no children, and he later m ar­ ried AK'crctta Kester, by whom he had the follow ing children, Oram, IHoyd and Ivan (they are now living at Woodbury, N . J . ) . In politK's Phillip Kline w as a Republican, but he never aspired to public preferment, devot­ in g himself to his private affairs rather than those o f his community, although he at all tim es took a creditable interest in those move­ ments which tended towards the betterment of existing conditions or the general moral up­ lift. William V. Kline, one of the children of Phillip Kline, was also ar farm er by occupa­ tion. l i e spent some o f his active years near Buck Horn, in Hemlock township, Columbia county, where he owned a farm o f one hundred acres on which he carried on gen­ eral farming. B y experimenting he found that fruit growing profitable, and devoted con­ siderable attention thereto, becoming enthusi­ astic upon apple and peach culture. H is death occurred, after a long and useful life, Ju n e 14. 10 10 . H is w'ife, Phœbe £ . Donohoy, w as born M arch 9 ,18 3 9 . and lived prior to her ntarriage in Madison township, Columbia C o., Pa. When two weeks old she w as adopted by the fam ily o f John Reichard. The name is sometimes spelled Donohue. T w o of her brothers were among the first engineers on the Delaw are, Lackawanna & Western railroad during the early sixties, and ran between Northumberland and Scranton, through Col­ umbia county, on the Bloomsburg division. T he children o f Mr. and M rs. William W. Kline were as follow s: 1-ydia C, bom Sept. • 3 . 1863. married Charles V. Nuss, and they have the following children. Raymond. H ow ard, Floyd, E arl, Charles. Glenn and H azel; id i ., born Ju ly 12, 1863, married W illits B. Kester, and has two children, Veda and Z o e : N ora B . was born Dec. 26, 18 7 3; R iley L . is mentioned below. In ]K>litical faith W illiam W . Kline was a Republican, but like his father he never aspired to public honors. T he Methodist Episcopal Church held his membership and received his faithful support. Kiley I.. Kline w as cducatc<l at the Cnristian schoolhouse in Madison township until the family moved to Hemlock township, when he attended the Leidy school. With the removal of the Klines lo the vicinity o f Buck Horn he W.IS given the advantages o f attendance at Buck fforn high school, and w as graduated therefrom, On ,pril 1. 1880. he moved to


Berw ick, and I x ^ n working for the Jackson & Woodin M anufacturing Company in the wood car shop, under Abram Cortright, fore­ man, and Charles H . Zehnder, general superin­ tendent. A fte r four years at Berwick M r. K line’s parents ntuved back to the farm, but he continued in Berwick for a year. H e then joined them on the family farm, and taking a teacher's preparatory course at the Blooms­ burg N ornu l School fitted himself fo r teach­ ing, and in 1886 taught the M cM ahan’s school, near Shaffer's bridge, just outside Bloomsburg, for one term. Going back to Berwick, he re­ entered the employ o f his old company as cellar clerk in thcir general store and was rapidly promoted, owing to his efficiency and faithfulness, becoming head of the hardware department, and also head o f other depart­ ments. With the formation of the Berwick Store Company he w as put at the head of the credit department, which responsible office he still retains, having held it since 1898. F o r twelve years he has been one of the directors o f this company. R ilcv L. K line was married Sept. 8, 1887, to A lk c Walton, who w as bom in Salem town­ ship, Luzerne Co., Fa., a daughter o f M orris and Caroline Walton. M r. and M rs. Kline have had the following fam ily: H arry R ., bom une 14, 1888, at Berw ick, w as n urried on eb. 28, 19 12, to M argaret Brobst, and they have a daughter, R u th; Beulah G . w as bora Oct. 3, 1890, at B erw ick; Ruth G. was bora June 2 1, 1893, at B erw ick; Russell W ., born D e c 25, 1 ^, died Oct. 2, 1 9 1 1, and was buried in Fine Grove cemetery. Politically Mr. Kline has usually voted with the Prohibi­ tion party in national and State affairs, but is an independent voter when he knows the char­ acter of the candidate. H e is conscientious in his conviction that the licensed liquor traffic is the great problem before the people to-day. and that many other troublesome questions o f State will begin to adjust themselves when once this “ offspring o f hell” is wiped off the .merican map. So no candidate, cither national or municipal, need hope to receive his vote or siip(Mrt unless he stands against the ofKn saloon. M r. Kline has not confined him­ self to this o f good work only, for he has given his services to the Young Men’s Chris­ tian .'s.sociation both as a member and an officer, having been a director of the organiza­ tion a l Berwick for twenty-six ye ars; this branch was but two years old when he associatc<l him-sclf with it. T he Ifower Memorial Church, o f Berwick, has received both material and spiritual aid from M r. K line which has
