Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/508

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received and to live again in peace vvitli bid in the office o f Dr. Caleb H arlan. H e grad­ uated at what w as then known as the opm nents. M r. Scarlet i» not a member o f any so­ Homeopathic Medical College u f I ’cnnsylvania cieties. H e and his fam ily are attendants o f (now Hahnemann College, Philadelphia), the Mahoning Prcsbylcrian Church al Dan­ -March 3, 18 55, and the following M ay located for practice at Bloomsburg, where he made ville. his permanent home, acquiring a large patron­ JO H N C . R U T T E R . J r . . form erly editor age— the largest up to that time ever held by of the S e tn i-li'ee k ly Deinocralic Sen tin el and any physician there. H is professional and per­ o f (he D oily Sentinel, o f Bloomsburg. and sonal popularity cuntinueti throughout a long president of the Sentinel Printer)', now pro­ and busy career. H e is still living at Blooms­ prietor o f Rutter’s Printing House, is a busi­ burg. H e W'as the first homeopath to engage ness and newspaper man o f Columbia county in practice in Colum bb county, and the only With unusual whose activities itave been productive o f un­ one for twenty-five years. common good in his community. H e is enter­ facilities for observation of the needs of the prising in the conduct o f his own affairs, as the people, he formed well grounded opinions on prosperity of his various interests indicate, the judicious methods o f administering affairs and a citizen whose usefulness in promoting affecting the general w elfare, and supported the general w elfare has pbced him among the ,*ind cn c o u ra g ^ all sound measures tor im­ most valued residents o f his borough. proving conditions. H e w as an advocate o f T h e Rutters arc o f English origin, Joshu a tetn])«rance, and in politics associated with the Rutter, great-grandfather o f John C . Rutter, Democratic ]»arty. F o r many years he served J r ., having bero a native o f England. Coming a s a member of the board o f }>ension e x ­ to this country with his brother Thom as (who aminers. became a merchant at Baltim ore around 1 790 On Aug. 26, 1848, D r. Rutter n u rried lane o r e arlie r), he located on a farm near the city Clayton, o f his native p b cc, daughter o f John o f Baltimore. H e w as married prob.'ibly near and .Ann (P e rk in s) Clayton, the latter o f Baltim ore, and his w ife, Elizabeth, w as a whom died in 1857 in I)cb w arc. M r. Clayton native o f Sweden. T hey reared a fam ily of remarrictl, and muvctl to Monroe county. Pa., fo u r children, two sons' and two daughters, where he died in 1875, near Stroudsburg, aged Joh n . Thom as. M argery and M ary. about seventy years. H e w as a carpenter and Thom as Rutter, son o f Joshu a and Eiiza- followed his trade in Brandywine Hundred lieth, was born aliout 1792, on the homestead and Wilmington, Del. Eight children were farm, and died in 1848. near Chester, Dela­ lK>rn to D r. and .Mrs. R u tter: lu m artin e m ar­ w are Co., Pa., at the age o f fifty-six years. ried L yd ia Rodemoyer (both now deceased) B y occupation he w as a farm er. H e married and settled near Bellcfontc, P a .; Henry Sarah Baker, daughter o f John and Lydia Harlan, at one time editor and proprietor of (M a rk s) Baker, the former o f whom w as a the Hnghcsvillc, P a., M oil, and later of the p b stcre r. and followed that trade all his life Democrat, in Lycom ing county, and at Brandyw ine Hundred, Newcastle Co., Del. mcmticr of the State le g islatu re in i f ^ * 9 5 , T h e children o f M r. and M rs. Thom as Rutter n u rried E v a C lo u d; Everett W ebster is a w e re : John C .; Elizabeth, who m arried Daniel physici.'in, located at Freeland, in L u zcm c Crow ther (he died fir s t ) : M ai^ery. M rs. Holt county. P a .; M ary Kllcn is the widow o f Dr. {h e died first); M ar)', M rs. T a y lo r: WiUiam, D. W . Conner, o f W ilkes-Barre, P a .; Adah W'ho died you n g; Joshua, who w as interested i.ouisa is the widow o f Newton W. B arton: in cotton works in D elaw are; and Thomas, -Margaret renuined at hom e; Rachel M ., de­ who died in youth. T he mother lived to ad ­ ceased. w as the w ife o f Dr. C . B . F ra n tz; John vanced age, (iying a l Chester, P a., w'hcn aged C roglu n is mentionc<] I ktI o w . T he fam ily at­ eighty-seven years. tended St. P au l’s Episcopal Clnirch at BloomsJohn C . Rutter, son o f Thom as, ivas l)Orn burg. Dec. 12, 1826, near Wilmington. Del., and re­ John C . Rutter, J r .. w as lx>rn at Bloomsmained at home until fourteen years old, going burg. Ju ly 2. 1862. and received his education to public school meanwhile, l^ltcn he went to there, attending public school aud later the live with his grandmother at Newcastle, Del., State n o n iu l school. When seventeen years there continuing to attend school until he w as old he became an apprentice in the Columbian seventeen. H e then found employment as a Printing House, at Bloomshurg. and served clerk in Wilmington, and there Ixrgan reading his full time. Then he went to Freeland, medicine when about twenty-one years old. Luzerne county, w'herc he clerked in a drug