Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/580

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live with his brother Joseph six years on the may well feel proud, lie is a member of the same place. H e then worked four years for K nights of the Golden Eagle and of the Jc ssc Mensch on the farm where he w as b o m; triotic O rder Sons u f Am erica, in religious later fo r Jaco b Shullz in M ayberiy township, affiliation he is a Methodist and a faithful Montour county, with whom he rcniaincd adherent o f that denomination, fo r which he three years. H e then moved to Danville, and has not hesitated to use his time and money, rcnuined one year, when he m arried and set- M r. Fisher is in politics a Republican, and tied about three miles from Danville on the has served a s member of the school board for Boyd fan n cast of the mill, continuing there two terms. A t present his efforts are dcthrec years. Following this, in 1859, he voted to his profession and to the interests liought the Jacob Sw ayze homestead in Frank* of the bank, o f which he is president, lin township. Columbia county, where he reT he Catawissa National Bank w as organmaineil six years, selling out and moving to Ued in 1904. chartered .April 301I1 o f that year. Danville, where he dealt in coal. 'I'hc next and opened fo r business Dec. n t h, wilh a two years he was on Boyd’s big fam i, and capital o f $50,000. T he original directors in 18(17 scttlcil at another location in Frank- w ere; C . J . Fisher, president; C . P . Pfahler. lin township, buying 143 acres o f goo<l land vice president; Dr. .Ambrose Shum an, John u(>on which he made most of the improve- I,. Kline, Lloyd B u ig cr, I. H . Seesholtz, Jcrmcnts. H e continued to farm in that town- cmiah Kestcr. .All are still serving but .Mcssrsship until his removal to Catawissa liorough. .Seesholtz and Kline, deceased, Irvin in 1887. where he still resides. H e owns a Krcischcr and Hoti. WiUiam T . Creasy havfarm o f 140 acres in I'ranklin town.shii>. which ing been elected to succeed them. T h e cashier he has rented. M r. F'ishcr marrietl Dec. 20, is C. S . W . F o x, and his efficient assistant is 1855. Sarah .Ann Sw ayze. who was^ bom Nolle P . Vastine. A surplus o f $20,000 has Feb. 27. 1838, a daughter o f Jacob C. and been accumulated at the present date and the (.Tiarity (Q uick) Sw ayze, o f .New Je rse y, institution is financially solid, and they have had two children: Elizabeth C ., residing at hom e: and C harles Jacob. Mr. T H O M A S J . P R I C E, o f Danville. Monand M rs. Fish er are members of the M. E. tour county, one of the owners of the DanChurch. During his active years he look ville Structural Tubing Company, has been some i« r t in public affairs, serving as school connected with its plant in an executive cadirector, supervisor and overseer of the poor, pacity continuously since t886, when he C'harles J . F'ishcr w as educated in the pub- came to this place to take Uie position of Uc schools’ o f F'ranklin township, and the superintendent. It w as then conducted by summer school at Catawissa. .After teaching ihe Mahoning Rolling M ill Company, and school several terms he took a special course from that time until he and his partners, at the M illcrsvillc State^ Normal and then William G . Pursel and Daniel M . C u rry, becntcrcd the Bloomsburg State N oniial, from came owners in 1902, w as under several which he graduated in 1884. (!)n Junc_ 2 1. managements. H e and M r. Pursel have had 1886. he w as elected principal of the Cata- their interest since that year, wissa school, holding that position fo r one M r, price is a native o f W ales, bom F'ebyear. a fte r which he accepted the principal- 26, 18 55, at Tredegar, Monmouthshire, son ship of the schools o f Carnegie. -Allegheny o f P ro f. John M. Price and grandson of county, remaining there fo r eight years. Dur- Thom as Price. John M . Price, the father, ing the summer months he studicil law in the ^ 3 5 bom at Rhym ney, Monmouthshire, office o f C . F- Geyer. Fjiq., o f Catawissa. and W ales, in 1828. and came to the United in t8i)8 was ailmittcd to the liar o f CoUtnibia States in 1854, locating first in New V'ork county. H is office is in the Catawissa Na- C ity. T he same year he moved to Danville, tional’ Bank building, and he has a large and where he became boss roller at the lucrative practice. M r. Fisher in I'yoi mar- Montour Rolling M ills, and in 1865 he ried M argaret M . Manley, and they have one changed to the Rough and Ready m ilk (so son, M anley W alter. named for President Zachary T a y lo r), later Mr. F'isher is one of the fo ra iio si men o f owned by the Mahoning Rolling M ill Comhis section of the .Ntate and is completely in pauy. T w o years afterw ard he went to harmony with the progress and prosperity o f Syracuse. N . Y .. where he accepted a position his honK town. H e w as one of the organizers 35 superintendent of the Syracuse Rolling and the first president of the Catawissa Na- ^fiji Company. In i88t he retired from that tional Bank, an institution o f which the town o f business to devote all his time to