Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/594

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at Bloomsburg. and one of the respected citi­ that convicted them. In tlu t strenuous time zens o f his community. H is death occurred he went armed to protect himself against at­ Feb. 17. 1854. tacks by the friends of the criminals. Mr. Daniel Pur.scl inarric<l M ary Crccn. who Pursel w as one of the first members of the was also from New je rse y, and who survived Bloomsburg band, playing the bass horn, and him. dying during the C ivil war. aged over when the C ivil w ar broke out went with his ninety years. A year before she had knitted a fellow players a.s a member of the band of large numlicr o f stockings and mittens for the the local regiment. H ow ever, he did not rcsoldiers. Daniel and M ary (G reen ) Pursel nuin long al the from . .After the w ar he was arc buried in Rosemont cemetery, at Blooms­ again a member of the band, and continued to burg. Of the twelve children bom to them play his horn until his late years. H e was a one died in infancy, and the others were bom member of the Episcopal Church, to whkh as follow s: Joh n, Ja n . 22. 1793 (died at the his fam ily allo belong, and on political ques­ home o f his son in Montour county when tions he was a Republican. H e is buried in ninctv-three years o ld ) : Dennis. Dec. i . 1793 Rosemont cemetcr)’, at Bloomsburg. (dic<f aged ninety-one y e a r s ); Jonallian. Dec. On .-Vpril 4, 1863. M r. Pursel married Susan 20. 1795 (died in C a n a d a ); Robert. M ay 9. Rebecca Rupert, who was bom .April 13, 1841. 1799 (lived in Michigan and attained very in Bloomsburg. daughter o f Bernard Rupert, advanced a g e ); Daniel. Aug. 5. 1801 (died al and two children were born to this union; an advance<l a g e ) : Hester. Jan. 4. 1804 (m ar­ { I ) H arry B., who lives in Philadelphia, mar­ ried Samuel K ahlcr. and died in Lycoming ried Maud F o x, and they have children. co u n ty ); William. .April 9. 1808 (lived in I^eonc, Mabel, I.cstcr, M argaret and Dorothy. Montour county and reachctl a great a g e ); (2> l.u la n urried .Millard M cBride, of .Ann. Ju n e 30. l8 t o (m arried a Wertman. Bloomsbuig. and they live with her mother; Iive<l in Ohio, and died xvhen very old); .Abi­ thcir children arc R ay, Frank, Fred and Ruth. gail M aria. March to. 18 13 (m arried Frank Daniel Rupert, grandfather o f M rs. Nor­ fla r tn a n . and died in B lo o m sb u ig): Isaac G., man S . Pursel, was a native o f lierm an y, and Sept. 28. 1 8 1 5 : Sylvc-stcr, Oct. 1 1 . 1818. coming to .America settled at Pottsville. Pa.. I)cnnis Pursel. son o f Daniel, w as bom where he died. Hts children w ere: Jacob. Dec. I, 1793. in Hemlock township, where he John, W illiam. Samuel. Bernard. M ary and passed all his life, dying there at the age of Maria. ninety-one years. H e followed Ihc trade of Bernard Rupert, son o f Daniel, was bom at blacksmith. He married Elizabeth Briggs, Pottsville, Pa., and when a young man came daughter o f Richanl Briggs, and they had a to Bloomsburg, where he Icametl the trade of fam ily o f five children: Jam es D cu cw : Elisha tailor, l i e followed that work all hts active B .: M ary, w ife o f John Sm ith : Martha, w ife life, dying in 1884. al the age o f sixty-nine o f Matthew G urtin; and N onnan S. years. H is w ife. Sarah .Ann ( F r y ), daughter Norman S . Pursel passed his early life at o f George and .Susan (Ixin g ) Fr)-. died at the his native place, obtaining a common .school age o f ninety-one years. They had five chil­ ciluc.tlion and learning blacksmiihing. Iiegin- dren: George, now deceased; Luther, a resi­ ning the trade at the age of seventeen in dent o f Bloom sburg: W.tltcr. living in New Bloomsburg. H e liccamc a skilled mechanic, Y o rk S rate; Charles, deceased: and Susan R e­ and followc'l his trade successfully at various becca, widow o f Nomtan S. Pursel. places, princijally Bloomsbuig and Centralia. G E O R G E A . H E R R IN G, o f Bloomsburg. Columbia countv. until his retirement in 1 9 11 . In 1888 he went west to New M exico, and Columbia county, has the distinction o f having followeil blacksmiihing there fo r a year be­ serxcd as treasurer o f that county and also fore returning H e ha<l poor health for o f Schuylkill county, and he is one of the well a year or more before his ilcath. In 19 10 he known members of the Democratic j u n y in rebuilt the home at the com er o f E ast Seventh the Stale. H e served four years as deputy and Clierry streets. Bloomsburg. where he was collector o f internal revenue fo r the T w elfth living at the time of his death. H e was a well- district o f Pennsylvania. Mr. H erring w as born Dec. 13, 18 3 3 . in known citizen o f that place, and highly re­ spected by the many o f his acquaintance. For Orangeville. Columbia county, son o f john seven years he was chief o f police o f Blooms­ H erring, and belongs to a fam ily o f Germ an burg. scrx'ing as such at the tinw Pat Hester peasant origin founded in this country by was hanged, during the reign of the Mollie (.liristojihcr Herring. Christopher Herring, the emigrant ancestor. M.nguires. and he was a mcmlwr of the ju ry