Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/596

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I-cllow, havm g joined Blue Ixxlge, No. 6 i i . schools and New Columbus Academ y. When F . & A . M ., at Shenandoah, and Shenandoah a youth he look up civil engineering with his Ixxjge. No. 5 9 1, 1. 0 . 0 . F . (charter member); father, and has followed the p r o ^ s io n on he held offices in both fraternities, and is a his own account since he was twenty years past grand of the 1. O. O. F . old. H is work in this line has taken him at) f ■Stale, and he has gained high standB O i D T R K S C O T T . o f M illville, present ing fo r skillful service, having thorough faeditor o f The Tablet, has had twenty-five miliarity with the demands o f his calling. Mr. years’ connection with that paper, beginning Trescott came to .Millville in 1 8 ^ . and that in as,sociation with his father-in-law, G . A . year became associated with G . A . Potter in Potter. He has also won reputation in his the publication o f The Tablet, in which .Mrs. profession, civil engineering, which he has Trescott has also been interested since childfollowed all over|vania. F o r the last hood. Beginning to assist her father at an fifteen years he ha.s been county surveyor o f early age, she has learned all the details of Columbia county. ^ the work o f getting out a newspaper so well The Trescotis are o f New England stock, ihat she can help or handle any o f il. She is Solon Trescott, great-grandfather o f Boyd a reliable compositor, and as part owner and Trescott, having come to Pennsyh'ania from ciiitor has had much to do with conducting Connecticut in 1777. .Making a .settlement in T h e Tablet successfully. .Mr. Trescott has the Huntington valley, in Luzerne county, he been editor since 19 12 . H e also continues to remained <mic winter, but when the settlers follow his profession, and as county surveyor were driven out following the W yoming mas- has accomplished much by his accurate records sacrc he relum ed to Connecticut. It was not and painstaking attention to Ihe duties of the until the spring o f 1792 that he made another jiosition. Otherwise his activity in |Hiblic attempt to settle, at that lime coming out affairs has been through the medium o f hts again to the Huntington valley with his brother paper, which is noted for its high policies and Samuel, Itoih bringing thcir families. commendable exercise o f its power in fa v o r of Peter S. Trescott, son o f Solon, w as a mill- local enteiprises. l*olitically he supports the wright and cabinetmaker, and for many years Democratic party. was cngagctl principally a l his trade, but Ihc On Dec. 25. 1888, M r. Trescott married closing years o f his life were spent in farm ing .Annie C . Potter, only child o f G . .A. Potter, on the place where his fam ily was reared. Ilis and they have had two sons: Fran k, who son. M. B. Trescott, father o f Boyd Trescott. dieil in in fan cy: and Paul, bom .Aug. 19. 189S. was also raised there, and bis fam ily w.ns )>om Mr. TrcK-ott attemls the Lutheran Church, and brought up on the same farm. 1 ‘he JO H N W lI d .E T B R U N E R . M. D .. was grandfather married .Susan Miller, o f Chester county. Pa., a daughter o f (ieorge .Miller, who Itoni in Pine township, Columbia C o.. Pa.. Oct. 4. 1865. son of the late John Bruner, w as a fam K r. M. B . Trescott was a civil engineer by pro- whose ancestors came from Germ any. His fcsjtion. H e married Pcrmclia Rhone, whose grandfather w as Peter Bruner, a native of father. George Rhone, w as a fa m K r o f Co- one of the lower counties o f Penn.sylvanun, lu m b ia c o u n t y, a n d t h e y lic c a n K t h e jta rc n ts who settled in Lycoming county, where he ’ ^ •- - - t. o f ten children, six sons and four daughters. lived and died, l i e married Hannah Hart­ Boyd toing the eldest: .Mar>* is an attorney man. daughter o f John .A. Hartman, and they al law. practicing in W ilkes-Barre. P a .: Rhone had seven children: John. M argaret, W il­ is engaged in the o|Kration of limekilns at liam. .Andrew Jackson. Sam uel, L yd ia and Alm cdia. Columhia county; Minerva is mar- Mary. John Bruner, eldest child o f I’cter. was rie<I to C . W illis Snyder, o f Williamsport. Pa.. who is in the printing business; Josephine is bom Ju ly 5. 1830. in Franklin townsliip. I.ythc w ife o f H. H . Davcn|)ort. a farm er, o f coming Co.. Pa., and remained a l home until Dorranccton, Luzcm c county: Rush is prac- o f age. In 1857 he came to Columbia county, tlcing law at W ilkes-B arre; Emma is super- renting land in Greenwood township fo r seven intcndent of the Anthracite Mission in Hazle* years, and then moving to Pine township, ton. P a .: Robert is foreman in a cement mill where he bought one hundred acres o f land, at B ath : Ralph and Leroy died in infancy. I.ater he bought other land, until he had in all Boyd Trescott was bom .April 18. i86o. in 275 acres, all in one bo<ly. H e lived on this Huntington township, Luzcm c county, and homestead until the spring o f 1882. when he had the advantages afforded by the public removed with his fam ily to Milhnlle. remain-