Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/612

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vice president of the missionary society of the Adam s Street Methodist Episcopal Church, o f Scranton. H e w as also prominent in Ma­ sonic .circles* being a master o f W ash' ington lx>dgc, No. 265, of Hloomsburg. H ervey Ew ing Sm ith w as born M arch 22, 1848, and died M ay 15* 1890. He attended the public schools o f Afontoursville, Lycom ­ ing county* and graduateil from Dickinson H. M O N T G O M E R Y S M IT H, a promi-Sem inary, Williamsport, He then went to nent attorney o f Bloomsbuig. comes of a line H arrisburg with his father and studied law, o f lawyers, his father and grandfather having being admitted to the bar in 1870. In 1874 been eminent in the legal profession in thcir he came to Bloomsburg* established an office, time. H e w as born Ju ly 8, 1875, in Blooms­ and practiced law very successfully until his burg* and there has established his home and death. H e was a member of the Democratic business. parly, but never held office. He and his w ife John Smith, the first ancestor o f H . Mont­ were members of the Methodist Church. Mr. gomery Sm ith o f whom wc have record* was Smith w as married Oct. 27, 1874. to Agnes* of near Jerseytow n, Columbia county. He daughter o f Dr. D. W . Montgomer)* and his w as born .April 1 1, 1750, married Nellie Mc- w ife M argaret (C urr)*), o f Orangeville. Nall, and had the following children: Henry* They had children as follow s: H . Montgom­ Francis, John. Elizalieth. M argaret, Hugh, ery* mentioned b elow; Ralph Ew ing, who marElisha B., Anna and Alexander M . r i ^ Fannie Comstock and lives in Hlooms­ H e n n Smith* son o f John, above* married burg; and M argaret Moore, a school teacher, Mar)* Cfrevcling. and they had these children: o f Newark, N, J , John, Henry* Jackson. Creveling* Margaret, H. Montgomery Sm ith w as educated in the Eleanor, Elizabeth. Delilah. M ary, A . C., public schools o f Bloomsburg and graduated Martha and Nancy. from the State Normal there in 1893. He A . C. Smith, grandfather o f II. Montgom­ next took a tw*o years' course at Dickinson ery Smith* w as bom Sept. 4, 1826* and died College. Carlisle, ^a.* and then w*cnt to the Ju ly 28, 1884. H e w as reared on the farm U niversiiy o f Michigan at Ann A rbor, from at Jerscytown* and at the age o f seventeen which institution he graduated in the literary w as ap p ren tice to the trade o f hamessmaker, department with the degree o f A . B . in 1897. under John K . Grotz o f Bloomsburg, for three and in the law* department with the degree of years. l i e then went to Montoursvillc, L y ­ L L . B. in 1899. entered the law* office coming county, w-hcrc he took up the then o f Q iarles G. Barkic)*, Esq., at Bloomsburg, ncw* business o f daguerrcotyping. In 1852 he and was admitted to the bar o f Columbia located ac Harrisburg, where he studied law county in September. 1899. under Hon. Robert A . I^m berton, working M r. Smith has built up a fine practice and at the photograph business in the intervals of has ticen prominent in the official c iK le s o f study. In 1862 he was admitted to the bar* the town. He has been town solicitor and and in i86c>70 he was a member of the A s­ solicitor for the Bloom Poor District. H e is sembly. He came to Bloomsbuig next and a Democrat in political affiliation. On Feb. opened an office, later going to Scranton, 6, 1900* he married H arriet E . Bushnell. where he died Ju ly 28, 1884. Mr. Smith w*as daughter o f E . P . and M ary (G reenw ood) married twice. H is first w*ifc w as Prudence* Bushnell. o f Springfield. Ohio* and they have daughter o f Rev. Jam es and Justina (G rove) three children: Mar>* Agnes, bom Dec. 20* Ew ing, .She w as born Aug, i6* 18 2 1, and 1900: Ilc rv c y Bushnell, bom Dec. 23. 1904; died in Ju ly, 1863. T hey were married June and Mont Paul, bom Aug. 9. 1906.

  • 5* *847, and thcir children w ere: I!cr*cy

M r. Smith is a member of the Methodist Ew ing, who is buried at O rangeville; and Church. H e is connected with the Phi Delta A lice Bartinc, deceased* w ife o f Charles H, Theta fraternity, is a member o f W ashington Ew ing, who lives at Altoona. M r. Smith's I^ d g c, N o. 265, F . & A . M .. and o f Blooms­ second w ife was .Amelia Kaufnumn, and they burg Council* No. 957* Royal Arcanum. had one child. A rthur Creveling. who died Sept. 22. 1887, and is buried at H arrisbura. W IL L IA M H. M IL L A R D * a highly reM r. Smith was a Republican in politics, ft) s]KCted and succc.s$ful fa n n e r o f Centre church matters he w as very prominent, being township, Columbia county, was bom on the is a Mason* belonging to Lodge No. 516* F . & A . M. On Feb. 12, 1902* M r. Gearhart married L yd a Rogers Farrcy, of Philadelphia* daugh­ ter o f Joscph and H arriet F arrcy, the former superintendent o f a post office sub-station in that city. M r. and Airs. Gearhart have one child, H arriet Bonham.