Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/658

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COLUMBIA AXD MONTOUR COUNTIES ancc Comuany, and long prominently con­ nected with the First National Bank, being one o f its organizers, fo r three years president, and afterw ard member of the board of trustees. However, it w as his high character, the qualities that gained him personal ad ­ miration, which ^ v e Mr. Laubach his posi­ tion o f influence in the community. H e was elected d iie f burgess, and held that office to the satisfaction o f all concerned. On political questions he w as a Republican. H e was a member o f St. Pau l's Methodist Episcopal Church, and served as trustee and steward, fo r wherever he went he w as depended upon to assist with the management o f affairs. He died in Danville, Ju n e 22, 1903, at the age o f eighty-seven years, having retired from active business three years before his death. In 1842 Mr. Laubach nurried Hannah H efIcr, who w as of German descent, daughter of Jaco b Hefler. Mrs. Laubach w as considered one of the leading women o f her day, par­ ticularly during the active and exciting times of the Civil w ar, when she assisted in cqui[>ping companies o f soldiers and doing much humane work, such as a public-spirited woman could do. H er house in the heart of the town w as headquarters for military organizations. Sh e conducted one of the most fashionable millinery establishments of the time, and her memory remains dear to many of the older people o f Danville. She w as born in Hyacinth township. Bucks Co.. Pa.. Oct. 17, 18 15, and died in Danville. Pa.. Ja n . 30. 1890, aged seventy-five years. Like her husband she was an active member 6 f the Methodist Church. T hey were the parents o f six children, one son and five daughters, nam ely: M artha B., who married S . T . Lees, and died .April 30. 18 9 0; Emma A ., w ife o f l^ewis E . W oods; M ary Ellen, w ife of William H. Rote (de­ ceased); Sallte K ., w ife o f Albert W . Pierce: G eorge: and Elizabeth, w ife o f Charles A. Jameson. C . S C O T T E V E S, druggist, o f Danville. Montour county, belongs to a fam ily of Q uaker o ri^ n which has been located in Co­ lumbia county fo r one hundred and forty years. John Eves, his earliest ancestor in this re­ gion, w as one of the pioneer settlers in the val­ ley o f Fishingereek. He had come there from Nfill Creek Ilundrcd, N ew Castle Co., Del., and located on a tract o f t.200 acres in the townships o f Greenwood and Madison, in­ cluding the present site o f M illville. The land w as s c c u r ^ by deed dated Nov. 29. 1774. the


form er owner having been Reuben Haines, a brewer, o f Philadelphia, it would appear, however, that he had concluded the purchase and settled in this section some years previous to the time this title w as acquired. H is set­ tlement in this section marks an important period in its history. But little IS known regarding the personal history o f John E ves. H e w as an Irish F'riend, bom in 1720, and req|^ved to Atnerica about the year 1738. H e was in good cir­ cumstances in M ill Creek Hundred, and held various oflices o f responsibility. O ne of his experiences as constable reveals the resolute and dcterminwl character of the man. He was given the warrant fo r the arrest o f a mis­ creant who defied the power of the law, and threatened to take the life of the officer as he approached. But the latter walked boldly forw ard and disarmed him without a struggle. T h e victory was not complete, however, u the obstinacy of the culprit was equal to his cowardice, and he refused to wa k, where­ upon the constable tied his prisoner to the horse, and they proceeded without further difficulty. Another trail o f his character is illustrated by an occurrence during his residence here. W hile in Philadelphia on one occasion he advanced the passage money of Larry Flinn and his w ife, two destitute Friends who had recently arrived from Eng­ land. T hey would then have been obliged to remain in his service for several years, but he received them into his family and they never left it. In 17 5 1 John E ves married Edith A'catmaii, an English lady, said to have possessed great strci^ ih o f character as well as personal beauty. T hey were the parents of sc%-cntcen children, fourteen o f whom reared f.’tmilics. T heir names with dates o f birth are as follow s: Sarah, 4th mo., 24th, 1753 (died in 17 6 2 ); Thomas. 2d mo., 5th. 17 5 3 : John. 2d mo.. 226. 17 5 7; Joseph, loth mo.. 30th, 17 5 8; M ark, 7th mo.. i6lh. 1760 (died in 17 6 2 ); W illiam. 2d mo.. 2d, 17 6 2 : Oiandlee, i2mo., t4th. 17 6 3; IClizabcth, i2mo.. 30th. 17 6 5 : Sarah. 5th mo.. 14th. 17 6 7 : Edith. 5th mo., 14th. 1 ^ 1 7 : Andrew. 6lh mo., 4th, 1769: Mar>-. n t h mo.. 24th. 17 7 0 : Priscilla, tu h mo., 3d, » 7 /2; M ark. 4th mo.. 8th. 17 7 4; Ann. 4th mo.. 2 ist, 17 7 5; Samuel, ist mo.. 17 7 8; E zra. 6th mo., 28th. 1782. John Eves. Sr., died 7th mo., ist. 1802. and Edith (Ycatm an) E ves, 4th mo., 14th, 18 18 . M any o f those who bore the name Ivave occupied positions of honor and respectability in the various walks o f life. Joseph pA'es, son o f John, born lolh mo..