Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/683

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(o Harriet Shollenljcrgcr, a teacher in the pub­ lic schools, who w a ' to m in WnlKisii, Indiana, (ia u ^ tc r o f John G. anil Delia (W ildoner; ShoTlciitorgcr, who are living retired at Altncdia. Pennsylvania. M r. Kasclcy is a member of the First Meth­ odist Episcopal Church of Berwick, the B er­ wick Y . M . C. A . : and of the following secret societies: Washington Camp, No. 105, P. O. S. o f

Sustjudianna Commandery. No. 18,

Knights u f M alta; Berwick Council, No. 17C11. Royal Arcanum, and Berwick Ixxlge. No. 1 138, Benevolent and Protective Or<Icr of E lk s; and he also holds membership in the Berwick Club.

interests, having been one of the original directors of the First National Bank. Jam es L . Evans received liis higher literary education al the Bloomsburg Normal School and Lafayette CoUege. from which latter he was graduatcil in t888. Entering the office of his brother as a law student, he was admitteil to the bar of the Tw enty-sixth Jud icial district in 1893, and has been in continuous practice since that time, with much success. H is prac­ tice is mostly civil cases, the mamigcment of estates, and as couii.selor. He is attorney for the Berwick National Bank and the Berwick Savings and T rust Company. M r. E van s is a member of the Presbyterian Church, he and Ills family being active workers and support­ J A M E S L. K V A N S, attorney, o f Berwick, ers o f that society. In politics he is a Kew as to m in Columbia county, Pa., Oct. 10. ))ubltcan. On Ju n e 2, tgoq, Mr. Evans w as n urried 18610. a member of the fourth generation of the fam ily in this section. to Fannie L . Adams, daughter o f E n os L. T he Evans fam ily is o f Welsh extraction, ,dams. a member o f one of the oldest fam­ M r. E van s's great-grandfather coming to this ilies o f Columbia county. 'Fhcy have no chil­ countiy from Wales and settling in B riar­ dren. A n extensive account of the .Adams creek township in the latter i»aTt of the fam ily appears in the sketch o f Charles E. eighteenth ceiiluiy. Jam es Evans, the graml- .Adams, elsewhere in this work. father. w as to m in 1799 in Columhia county, W IL L IA M F II.M O R E R U C H w as dur­ and followed farming here. However, he was engaged principally as a millwright, following ing his life one of the best known citizens of that trade most o f his life, building nearly all Berwick, in which town he was torn N ov. 5. the gristmills in the neighborhood. He built 1848. H is father, H enry Ruch. was a native and owned an oil mill near Evansville, which o f I-uzcmc county. P a., where the fam ily ha<l town was named a fte r the fam ily, and his long been residents. death occurred in I.uzcrne county in June. Henry Ruch received the advantages of the 1879. in his eightieth year. H e had two chil­ schools o f his locality, and while a young nun dren, Francis and .Annie, the daughter dying entered (he employ o f a merchant with whom when about sixteen years o f age. he remained until he had thoroughly mastered Francis Evans, son o f Jam es, was bom in the business o f general merchandising. He Pimnsytvania and reared on the fam i. and then opened a general store at Hobbic, L u ­ followed agricultural pursuits on an exten­ zerne county, where he did a thriving bu si­ sive scale until 1885, in which year he retired, ness, and invested his surplus in farm .', ac­ moving to Berwick, where he still has his quiring at different times the possession of home. H e has been a successful man. . eight large tracts. These he comlucied with member of the Presbyterian Church, he is one the same vigor and foresight that charactero f its stanch supporters, and has been a nil- ize<l his store business and made him one of ing elder fo r over half a century, a position he the well-to-do residents o f his locality. He still holds. H e married Jan e I.amon. who was w as a member of the Methodist Cluirch and to m in Pennsylvania, daughter o f Jam es and gave freely o f his time and money to the cause. Hannah fS p e a r) I.arnon. toth natives o f Politically he w as a W hig, and on the form a­ County Donegal. Ireland, and the following tion of the Republican party liecame a member children ivcre bom to this union: Annie, who of the new organization. W hile a young nun married H enry W icdcrhald, now residing at he was married to Catherine Fowler, who .Atbtntic City, N. J .; Helen A., who marriccl to re him the following children: Charles, M. N. Kantz. now deceased; Charles C . : William F .. Emma. Frank, Reuben. H a riy and Jam es L . : Lillie B.. who marric<l D r. J . C. Gilbert. T he parents are buried at B erw kk. Mloomrirld. now residing at Atlanta. G a .; and in Pine Grove cemetery. Grace, who married Pcrcival Currin. o f B er­ William Filmore Ruch attende<) the pub­ wick. M r. Evans was prominent in (he affairs lic schools o f Berwick until he was sixteen o f (he town, and associated with the financial years o f age. when he began work on the