Page:Historical and biographical sketches.djvu/152

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Ach Kinder wollt ihr lieben,
So liebt was Liebens werth,
Wollt ihr ja Freude üben,
So liebt was Freude werth;
Liebt Gott, das höchste Gut,
Mit Geist, Hertz, Seel und Muth,    
So wird euch solche Liebe
Erquicken Herz und Muth.

Liebt ihr die Eitelkeiten,
Liebt ihr des Fleisches-lust,
So saugt ihr kurze Freuden,
Aus falscher Liebes Brust,
Worauf in Ewigkeit,
Folgt Jammer Quaal und Leid,
Wo nicht in Zeit der Gnaden,
Die Seel durch Buss befreyt.

Wir finden klar geschrieben
Von einem reichen Mann,
Der thät solch Liebe uben,
Wie Lucas zeiget an,
Lebt er die kurze zeit
In Fleisches-lust und Freud,
Und liess sein Herze weyden
In lauter Eitelkeit.

Er hat in diesem Leben
Mit Purpur sich gekleidt,
Doch er muss Abschied geben,
Sein Freud währt kurze Zeit.

O children, would you cherish
A worthy lasting love?
The good that does not perish
Is only found above.
Seek God, the highest goal,
With spirit and with soul.
Then you will find a rapture
The heart cannot control.

Is indolence a pleasure?
Does worldliness allure?
Then know that short the measure,    
For life is never sure,
And through eternity
The soul will ever be,
The time for pardon wasted,
In woful misery.

Saint Luke has plainly written
About a man of pride —
With riches was he smitten
And worldliness beside —
He lived a little while.
Luxurious in style.
And fixed his heart on pleasures
That only do beguile.

In purple was he clothed.
The whiles he lived on earth,
Soon vanities were loathed
And pride of little worth.

  1. This hymn first appeared about 1773, in Vol. II, No. 15, of Saur's Geistliches Magazien, and has been reproduced in the Unpartheyisches Gesang Buch, published in Lancaster in 1804, and other Hymn Books of the Mennonites. In translating, the effort has been made to preserve the thought, versification, metre and rhyme — a somewhat difficult task.