Page:Historical and biographical sketches.djvu/374

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on the bench in front of our tent busily scouring away, when the Orderly came along and said, “Pennypacker, I'll take you for one.” “What for” I inquired. “Police duty,” said he. I said, “Why, Orderly, I only came off guard this morning.” “Can't help it, you'll have to come,” he replied. I urged further, “My gun is here all in pieces, and I can't leave it,” and received for an answer, “Come on;” so leaving everything lying as it was, with the probability of finding half of the articles stolen when I returned, I went, in company with some half a dozen others and the Orderly, to the upper end of the fort where they were making arrangements to erect some large tents for General Hall's headquarters. We were first sent for spades and shovels, and then shown where to use them. There was perhaps half an acre of ground to be cleaned, tents to be put up for the General and staff, boards to be carried a considerable distance, and cut the proper length for the floors, and every prospect of its requiring all the afternoon to finish the work. To crown all, the Major, whom I had met at the gate in the morning previous had charge of matters, but he fortunately did not recognize me. I worked with apparent diligence, for perhaps three-fourths of an hour, and then watching my opportunity, dodged behind some tents and made tracks for the quarters of Co. F. I was evidently making rapid improvement in the knowledge of military matters, having disobeyed orders to my own advantage twice during the day; though for the latter offence, I fully expected to be at least put on double duty. There is one thing to be noticed in regard to affairs of this kind, which is that a subordinate officer feels no responsibility for the result of an undertaking, and consequently does not care what happens after he has performed the part entrusted to him. Thus it was expected of the Orderly to furnish a certain num-