Page:Historical and biographical sketches.djvu/417

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INDEX. 413 Rittiughuysen, Gerhard, 40. Rittinghuyeen, Klaas, 40. Rittinghuysen, Willem, 10, 40, 50, 51, 63, 178. Rittinghnysen, Willem, Menno- nite minister, 40. Rittenhouse, David, 11. 60. Rittenhouse Matthias, 64. Roberts, Charles, 376. Roberts, John, 252. Rodney, Cse-sar, 86. Roosen, Gerhard, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29. Roosen, Paul, 54. Ross, John, 236. Rothman, Bern hard, 21. Rowe, Benjamin S., 399. Royer, Sergeant Major John W., 328. Rub, Hans, 185. Rupp, I. D., 29, 173, 185. Rutters, Koenradt, 17. Rutter, Thomas, 49. Ryndertz, Tjaert, 24. Safety, Committee of, 76. Safety, Council of, 78, 79. Sal ford Township, 93. Sangmeister, Heinricb, 227. Saur Bible, 10, 173. Saur Christopher, 10, 11, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 195, 225, 226. Saur, Maria Christiana, 226. Schaffer, Isaac, 45. Scheffer, Dr. J. G. De Hoop, 34, 58, 163, 177. Scherkes, David. 32, 49, 219. Scheuten, genealogy, 29, 206. Schlegel. Christopher, 54. Schneyder, Johauues, 197. Scholl, Johannes, 56. School, discipline, 109, 121, 122, School, earliest essay upon, 95. Schools, 55, 98. Schools, Bible exercises in, 132. School, silence in, 118. School teaching, 92, 93, 98, 272. Schrope, Ephraim, 399. Scott, John, 243. Schumachei', Frances, 35. Schumacher, Gertrude, 35. Schumacher, Isaac, 55. Schumacher, Jacob, 17. Schumacher, Jr., Peter, 15, 35, 37, 49, 55, 57, 179, 217. Schumacher, Mary, 35. Schumacher, Scirah, 35. Scouting party, 334. Scripts, German, 91, 101. Schutz, Dr. Johan Jacob, 13, 31. Schwenkfeldt, Caspar, 26. Schwenkfelders, 92, 163, 192. Seidensticker, Piofessor Oswald, 9, 18, 27, 32, 37, 39, 58, 203, 205, 228. Seimens. Jan, 15, 16, 39, 207. Seimens, Walter, 32, 218. Seelig, Johannes, 51. Sell en, Dirck, 45. Sellen, Hendrick, 28, 45, 46, 57. Sellers, John. 70. Sell. Martin, 51. Sewel, Wiiliaiii, 27. Shaffer, Thomas, oil. Shaffer, V. N., 309, 314, 315. Shatfner, Peter, 275. Shaner, George W., 399. Shee, John, 77. Sheetz, Geo. Sergeant, 322, 323, 343. 388, 389, 398. Shick, Augustine W., 399.