Page:Historical ballad of May Culzean (1).pdf/5

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Her jewels coastly, rich and rare
She straight puts on again,
She lightly springs upon her horse
And leads his by the rein.

This lady dear, was void of fear,
Her steeds were swift and free,
And she reached her father's lofty towers,
Before the clock struck three.

And first she met the stable groom,
He was her waiting man,
And when he heard his lady's voice,
He ran with сар in han'

Whar hae ye been, fair May Calzean?
" Wha owns this dapple gray?
(illegible text) that's a foundling, she replied,
" Which I got on my way."

Then out and spake the green parrot,
" He says, fair May Culzean,
O what hae ye done wi' yon brave Knight
" That gied wi' you yestreen?

" Haud your tongue my pretty parrot,
" An' I'se be kind to thee,
For where ye got a handfu'o' groats
My parrot shall get three.