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therein, meteors, comets and eclipſes produce diſeaſes were then ſeldom ſeen, together with our exceſſive drinking, which deſtroys more than the ſword.

Q What day was that the like was never before or ſince?

A When Joſhua prayed in the midſt of the battle, ſo that the ſun ſtood ſtill, and haſtened not to go down until it made the day 24 hours long, whereas naturally it was but 14 or 15 hours.

Q. What part of the earth was that which was ſeen only four times of mankind?

A. The bottom of the river Jordan, divided by God, paſſed over by Moſes, and the children of Iſrael; ſeen after by Moſes, Jolſhua, Elijih and Eliſha.

q. What do the hiſtorians ſay of Solomon’s temple?

A. The temple was built on a rocky foundation, 300 cubits deep, the ſtones 40 cubits high, porches double ſupported by ſtately pillars 25 cubits high, of marble, the tops of cedar The porches 30 cubits broad. The courts pav’d with all ſorts o ſtones like fine lattices, all the gates covered with plates of gold. The Holy of Holies was in the midſt. The firſt gate 20 cubits high, and had 20 doors: all the fore parts were gilded. and within cover’d with fine gold about the wall was a golden vine the cluſters like grapes of gold, each cluſter ſix feet long. It had golden gates and hinges wrought with gold, and had the fabrick covered with maſſy gold.

The tops was ſet with rod of gold ſharp like ſpikes, leſt birds ſhould ſit thereon and defile it. The temple was firſt built by king olomon. and afterwards plundered by Sisback king of Egypt and others: but laſtly by Nebuchadnezzar who laid this city and temple even to the ground. Yet after that, rebuilt by Herod the great: but about forty years after the death of our Saviour, the ſins of the Jews being come to their height, it was deſtoyed by Titus, ſon of Veſpaſian, emperor of Rome.

Q What were the dreadful ſigns and wonders which foretol the deſtruction of Jeruſalem?

A. The year before the Roman, came, a bright ſtar appear d ov r the temple, as if a man had held many drawn ſwords in his hands and the temple was as light as at noonday ſeven nights togther. A heifer being knocked down for ſarifice, brought forth a lamb A man’s face was ſeen in the Holy of Holies looking very earneſtly. Four chariots with horſemen were ſeen fighting in the air In the temple the prieſt heard a terrible voice, ſaying; “Come let us go out of the temple, let us haſten from hence,” But they regarded them not till ſudden deſtruction fell upon them.

Q What country is looked upon to be the moſt deſolate and ſolitary in the world?