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WORD WAS GOD. Which contained all the Goſſpel that St. John had declared.

Q. What account doth Joſephus give of our Saviour?

A. That Jeſus was a wiſe man, ſhewed wonders, and taught the truth to them that followed him.

Q. What miracles happened it the birth of Chriſt ?

A. At his birth the temple of Rome dedicated to an heathen goddeſs, fell to the ground: When it was firſt built the Romans enquire of their oracle Apollo, how long it ſhould ſtand? Who anſwered, ’Till a virgin ſhould bring forth a Son; which made them think it would ſtand for ever. St. Jerom ſays, when the virgin Mary fled with her ſon to Egypt, all images of their god’s fell down, and oracles and devils ceaſed

Q. What is farther related of the death of Chriſt, be{{ls}ides what we find in the holy ſcriptures?

A. In the 34th year of our bleſſed Saviour’s life he was crucified by the wicked Jews, which produced prodigious effects, atteſted as well by heathen as chriſtians. At his death there was a great darkneſs in the day time, from 3 o’clock, at which time our Saviour gave up the ghoſt, till 6, and vet there was no ecipſe of the ſun, it being then full moon: So that it was only by the power of God, who deprived the ſun of its light for that ſpace of time. And Dioniſius being that day at Athens, and knowing by the courſe of the heavens, that this eclipſe muſt be unnatural, cried out, “Either the world is at an end, or the God of nature ſuffers!” And the wiſe men at Athens being aſtoniſhed at this prodigy, ordered an altar to be built, and dedicated it to the unknown God, for which St. Paul reproved them declaring that Jeſus Chriſt the redeemer of the world, who had ſuffered death by the Jews was the unknown God; whereby he converted many to the Chriſtian faith.

Q. Is there not another relation of this?

A. Yes, Plutarch publiſhed the following account. That his father coming by ſea towards Italy, and coaſting about the Iſland Paraxis, when all the ſhips crew were at reſt, they heard a dreadful voice from that Iſland, calling to Alaman who was Pilot of the ſhip, and an Egyptian born; this voice was heard twice, yet none had the courage to anſwer, till at the third call. Alaman, cry’d. Who calls? What would you have? The voice then ſpoke louder, and ſaid, “When you paſs near the gulph of Laguna. I charge you to cry aloud and make them to underſtand that the great god Pan is dead.’ This ſhip’s company was aſtoniſhed thereat, but concluded he ſhould take no notice of the voice, but proceed on their voyage. When they came to the place the ſhip ſtood ſtill, ſo that they could ſail no further; whereupon Alaman placed himſelf upon the poup of