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78 EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. Mmiday 4. Wind vble. a.m. — Moderate, with small rain. I dind on shore with Capt. WoodriiFe and Coll. Collins at Mr. John Rodriguez Pereson de Almeida, and met a party there, p.m. — Do. wr. Tuesday 5. a.m. — Light breezes and variable, p.m. — A large party dind with us. Wednesday 6. Wind vble. a.m. — Moderate wr. with small rain. P.M. — I dind on shore at Doctor Iserado, the first phisician in the town — he sj^oke English. A party of ladies visited the Calcutta at 11 a.m. ; an in the eve we gave a large ball to all the ladies and gentlemen on board the Ld. Castlerey. The officers going out in Lord Castlerey, East Indiaman, Capt. Robertson, they were all at the ball, viz., Colonel Vigars, Company's Service, Major Medley do., Lt.-Col. Montiesor and lady, 22nd Light Dragoons, Capt. Broom do., Capt. Muntchason, Capt. Dick, Lieut. Futton, Lieut. Martin, 8th Dra- goons. Ladies — Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Broadberk, a cadet, Mrs. Brock, Miss Mutchason, Miss Asgill, and Miss Mac-card. Mr. Macloud, the first mate, a friend of Mr. Macdonald, of the Royal Navy, who was in H.M. Ship Resolution with me. Thursday 7. Wind vble. a.m. — I went on shore. Saild the Lord Castlereigh, East Indiaman. p.m. — Sea and land breezes. Li the eve I went to the opera of Neinha. Friday 8. Wind vble. a.m. — Moderate and clear. I went on shore and see the town and convents ; I see a very beautiful girl at the Con- vent D. Yuda, from her I received fruits, &c. Saturday 9. Wind vble. a.m. — Do. wr. This morn Col. Collins, Lieut. Huston, and self went to breakfast at the Monastary of Fransis- cans with Pater George Bunden, he was an Englishman and had been there a long time ; he shew us all the Convent which was very grand. Received fruit, fresh beef, water, &c., for the shij)'s company and con- victs. P.M. — Continuel lightning. Sunday 10. Wind vble. a.m. — At 9 I went on shore, and see High Mass performed at the Monastary D. Fransiscans, and I visited the Convent D. A. Juda and see the charming girl Antonia. In the eve a large party of officers and self went to the play-house and see the Poor Soldier performed ; the Vice Roy was there, attended by his aidecongs and the Governor of Angora (or Angore), and the house very crouded. During the day I visited the Carmelite and many chappels. Col. Collins, Lieut. Dowers, Lieut. Huston, and self dind at the English hotel in the square. We see the Negros dansing — not less than 4,000 people — on the plain to the W. of the town. Monday 11. Wind vble. a.m. — Mr. M. Culloch, Mr. Johnson, and self went a shooting on shore ; saw many curious birds. We dind at Mr. Davises on the E.S.E. point of the harbour as our ship layd ; in the eve we returned, p.m. — At 8 some lightning. 'Tuesday 12. Wind vble. a.m. — Light breezes and clear ; the men employed variously, p.m. — Do. wr. Wednesday 13. a.m. — Do. wr. and winds. At G departed this life James Carman, a seaman. Received various stores, &c. p.m. — Do. wr. and clear. At 4 committed the body to the deep. Thursday 14. Wind vble. a.m. — Received fresh beef, &c., for the ship's company and a quantity of fruit, p.m. — Light breezes and clear.