Page:Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) regiment.djvu/37

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40th regiment



From 1739-41 the regiment still remained at the same stations, viz., five companies at Annapolis Royal, four companies at Canso, and one company at Placentia.

During this time Governor Philipps, who had returned to Annapolis, drew the attention of the Home Government to the defenceless condition of Nova Scotia, and in speaking of Canso, said:—“that notwithstanding the dangerous situation of that place owing to its proximity to the French settlement of Louisburg, there were neither fortifications nor forts belonging to it; there were no barracks to lodge the four companies of the regiment, nor storehouse to secure their provisions, other than that which had been slightly erected by the officers commanding there.

“For want thereof the soldiers had been reduced to the greatest extremity, and several of them had actually perished. That the low establishment of the companies of the regiment, and even those divided, were scarce enough for common duty in time of peace, but very insufficient for the defence of these places in time of war.

“That the four companies at Canso were so entirely separated, that those at Annapolis could scarce hear from them in a twelve-month, there being no vessel whatever allowed for keeping a necessary correspondence with them.”[1]


The following return, dated 1742, is the first that can be traced which gives the names, rank, and strength of all grades in the regiment. The regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-General Philipps, was distributed as follows: — [2]

20th August 1742. 6 Companies at Annapolis Royal,
4 Companies at Canso,
1 Company at Placentia, Newfoundland.
  1. Letter from Major-General Philipps to the Duke of Newcastle, on the condition of Nova Scotia, September, 1739.—Vide Colonial Papers, America and West Indies, vol. xxx., p. 142, Record Office.
  2. Vide Colonial Papers, America and West Indies, vol. xxx., Record Office.