Page:Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) regiment.djvu/549

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"No. 41, dated 11th April, 1&81, an entire change occurred in the lille, uniform, badges, and constitution of the corps.

By the new arrangement the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regi- ment and the 82nd (Prince of Wales's Volunteers)* were amalga- mated as a double battalion regiment, under the title of The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment.) The 40th became the Ist battalion, and the 82nd the 2nd battalion, and a Srd^or militia — battalion was also formed of the 4th Royal Lam cashire Militia (Duke of Lancaster's Own Light Infantry.) The dep6t of two companies from each of the line battalions was continued at Warrington, in Lancashire, and became, with the militia stair, etc, the 40th Regimental District. This radical changii in the titles and constitution of the 40th and 82nd regiments necessitated an entire rearrangement of the honours, badges, etc. belonging to both regiments ; and the following, after consultalion between the afhcers, were adopted and sanctioned by regulation : — Territorial Badges. — On the buttons: The Prince of Wales's Plume above the Sphinx over " Egypt." The whole, with a circle inscribed "South Lancashire Regiment," enclosed with a scroll and two laurel branches isauing from the ends, and the crown over all. On the collars: The Prince of Wales's Plume in gold and silver embroidery, on a blue cloth ground; the scroll in silk itnd the lettering in silver. • The title of "The Prince of Wales's Volunteers," which now became the title of the 40th, on well as the 82nd, was originally granted to the 82nd Regiment. Jarvis, in his history of Ihul cotps, says : — " The KlJnd K<^icii!;iit was chkfly rccruiltti in Oie couniics of York, Lancaster, Lioeolu, Siaffunl, and Wotccslct. Ii wii5 placed on (he cslnMshmcnC of the .Army frrnn £7lh Feliniary, 1793, and w.ts stattnned ai Siamford in December of thai year. Uy Ihe special pcrmixMon of Hit late Majesty King George IV., then Fiinceuf Wales, ihe distinctive appellation of 'The I'rincc of Wales's Voliinlccrs' was acror Jetl to ii at the solicilalion of its (im colonel, Major-Genenl Leigh, a Ecnilemaa of the Prince'^ huusebuld. TltU peiinissioii was confirmed by Kiug William IV. on 20th Deccnibef, 1831, under hU sign manual, of which ibe fbllowiiLg is a copy : — " ' 82nd Regiment to retain the title of " Prince of Wales's Volunieere," in addition to its number, and alto to bear the Princ« of Wales's Plume on the regi- meotal colour and appomiCQent8> '"(Si|ja«d) W.R.'"