Page:History, Design and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent and Charitable Institutions.djvu/151

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madrissa; or,.

of Secretary to the Madrissa, to which appointment, including the duty of superintending the translations made from English works into the Persian language, is annexed a Salary of 500 Rupees per mensem.

The building, hitherto occupied by the Madrissa, being very much out of repair, and being also extremely confined, and placed not only in an unhealthy spot, but in a part of the city which afforded to the Students great facilities and temptations to dissipation, immorality and idleness, the Government, in consequence, resolved to construct a new College in a more suitable situation. A plan of a building nearly similar to that of the Hindoo College has been adopted, and the sum of Rupees 1,40,537 appropriated for the erection of the edifice and the purchase of the ground on which it is to stand, a portion of the expense being defrayed by the sale of the old premises. The site chosen is in a quarter of the town denominated Kalunga, which is tenanted by that class of people to whom the professors and students of the Madrissa belong, and in the proximity of the great body of Mussulman population. Besides accommodation,
