Page:History, Design and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent and Charitable Institutions.djvu/5

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The idea of the following Work was suggested by a book published in London in the year 1810, entitled “Pietas Londinensis,” by A. Highmore, Esquire. It presents an honorable record of British humanity and munificence, so manifest in the numerous benevolent Institutions, which grace our native land and exalt our national character in the estimation of the civilized world. In contemplating the noble Charities described in that volume, it was natural to advert to the efforts of our countrymen in this quarter of the Globe, to benefit their fellow creatures, more especially the Natives of these regions, by the creation of Charitable Institutions, by the establishment of Hospitals, the formation of benevolent Societies, the encouragement of moral and literary Instruction, and by the circulation of the Holy Scriptures. That these endeavours have not been inactive nor unsuccessful, it is the purpose of the following Treatise to prove, by an enumeration and de-