Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/212

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1 86 ADELAIDE AND VICINITY The Jubilee with willows and other trees growing on its banks. The Governor opened the water to public use on July 21. It was "one of the most attractive and brilliant spectacles ever witnessed in Adelaide. Upwards of 40,000 people lined the banks of the Torrens as the procession of boats passed from the weir to the landing stage near the Exhibition Grounds, and back to the starting place." In order to further beautify this locality, Mr. E. T. Smith, the Mayor, warmly advocated the formation of a Rotunda on the southern bank by the City Bridge. This work was duly carried out, owing to the liberality of the late Sir Thomas Elder, and was opened by the Mayor on November 28, 1882. The growth of population caused new municipalities to be proclaimed in the metropolitan districts, and in 1883 corporations were established at St. Peters, Thebarton, Rotunda, King William Road Presented to the Corporation of Adelaide by Sir Thomas Elder and Semaphore. The area of the St. Peters Municipality is about 908 acres, divided into four wards — Hackney, East Adelaide, Stepney, and Maylands. The members of the first Council were: — Mayor, Joseph Bertram; and Councillors T. Seabrook, M.l)., Robt. Knowles, v.. W. O'Halloran, Thomas Wood, Joseph Jackman, W. R. Sando, Thomas Garneau, and W. J. H. P'arrant ; with Mr. W. H. Goss as Town Clerk. The assessment amounted to ^32,962. The members of the first Thebarton Council were : — Mayor, B. Taylor; Councillors, T. Pritchard, J. Vardon. ¥.. C. Hemingway, W. C. Pepper, J. .Stevenson, J. Manning, J. B. Broderick, and R. Wilson; with Mr. C. Loader as Town Clerk. The Municipality was divided into four wards — Strangways, Musgrave, Jervois, and Torrens — and the assessment was ^19,055.