Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/218

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192 ADR LAI DK AND AHCINITY The Jubilee of the Province. His official canuM- b(!gan in 1855, when he b(>canie secretary to his brother. Sir Hercules Robinson. In 1862 he was appointed President of Montserrat ; then Governor of Dominica, Falkland Islands, Prince Edward Island, Leeward Islands, and of Western Australia. He was a good business man, and talented in other respects. Hi.s term of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of South Australia began on February 17, 1883, and did not end until March 5, 1889. Earlv in the session of 1883 the Government defeated a no-confidence motion, Elder Consbrvatorium of Music (in course of construction) ; and Mr. Hray remained in office until June 16, 1884. Owing to a deficit, new taxation was proposed ; but the Legislative Council declined to pass an Income and Property Ta.xaticm Hill. On March 19, 1884, the tenth Parliament was dissolved, and when the eleventh met on June 5 it comprised, for the first time, 52 members. The Hray Ministry w;is soon defeated on a want of confidence motion introduced by Mr. Colton, and on June 16 the latter assumed office at the head of a Government composed of Messrs.