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ADELAIDE AND VICINITY 259 Hon R. W. Foster, M.P., Commissioner of Public Works IN comparing a table of the industries of the Province with a Hst of the occupations of members of Parliament, it will be found that the latter fairly represent the former. Nearly every class, small or large, is represented in the Legislature by one of its own following ; and the influence of this equality of representation on the laws should give satisfaction to the people as a whole. The wool, wheat, and llour industries deserve to have each its personal represen- tatives, and may be said to have them. Parliament contains a good sprinkling of pastoralists, agricul- turists, and millers, or those who by residence, personal observation, and study have become closely acquainted with such pursuits. Mr. Foster represents these three industries, and as senior member for the District of Newcastle in the House of Assembly, is respon- sible to very large and serious interests. Richard Witty P'oster is a native of Yorkshire, England, where he was born in 1856. After leaving school he went to London, where he was for some years engaged in the soft-goods trade. He cUme to South Aus- tralia in 1880, and for three years was a probationer in the Wesle)an Hammer &- Co., Photo Church. He eventually deter- mined to sever his connection with the ministry and to engage in business pursuits at Quorn. He married a daughter of Mr. T. Lees, of that town, and entered into parlnersliip with his father-in-'aw, who was a storekeeper and farmer on a fairly large scale in the district. In the course of a few years Mr. Foster became sole proprietor of the business. It is strikingly apparent in Australia that the qualities general in the undenominational ministries seem to fit the pastors to an unusual degree for public capacities. Thus it comes about, that numbers of ministers have entered politics and are regular contributors to the editorial columns of the principal newspapers. Mr. Foster is no exception, and he has