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Sir T.Elder ADELAIDE AND VICINITY 285 to a noble career when he left the sum of ^155,000 to be distributed among worthy institutions, besides directing that the succession duty thereon, amounting to /^]^,^oo, should be paid out of his estate. The University, which was already so indebted to him, was awarded the sum of ^65,000, making ^95,000 in all which it has received from him. The sum of ^25,000 was apportioned to the National Gallery. His detailed bequests were : — Medical School, Adelaide University, ^20,000: Chair of Music, Adelaide University, ^20,000; Adelaide University, ^25,000 ; Adelaide Art Gallery (to be spent in pictures), ^25,000 ; Prince Alfred College, ^4,000 ; Way College, ;/^2,ooo ; Geographical Society, ^2,000 ; Zoological Society, ^"2,000 ; Glenelg Institute, ^1,000; Adelaide Hospital, ^^3,000 ; Seamen's Home, Port Adelaide, ^2,000; Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Institution, ^2,000; Port Augusta Hospital, ^r,ooo ; St. Margaret's Convalescent Home, ^1,000 ; Children's Hospital, ^1,000; Dr. Barnardo's Home, /" 1,000; Strangers' Friend and Charity Organisation Society, ^1,000 ; Anglican Cathedral, ^4,000 ; Presbyterian Church of South Australia, ^6,000; Chalmers Presbyterian Church, ^2,000; Y.M.C.A., ^2,000; Adelaide City Mission, ^2,000; and a fund for founding Working Men's Homes, /,'25,ooo. The late Hon. Sir Arthur BIyth, C.B. MARCH 21, 1823, was the birthday of Sir Arthur Blyth. He was educated at the King Edward YI. Grammar School, Birmingham. He reached South Australia with his parents in 1839, who setded in Adelaide;. His father, Mr. William Blyth, took a prominent part in municipal matters, being a city councillor in 1840, and one of the city commissioners in 1849. Sir Arthur Blyth first entered public life as representative of Yatala in the Parliament of 1855, which passed the Constitution Act, giving responsible government to the Province. In 1857 Sir Arthur represented Gumeracha, which district returned him at each election, except the one in 1868, till that of 1875, when he was returned for North Adelaide. During this period he was in upwards of i i Ministries (three times Premier), holding office for an aggregate period of 3,247 days — which, up to May 31, 1900, had only been exceeded by Right Hon. C. C. Kingston and Hon. T. Playford. He was twice Chief Secretary, four times Treasurer, twice Commissioner of Crown Lands, and twice Commissioner of Public Works, having had no fewer than 32 colleagues, a larger number than any other Minister of the Crown in South Australia. Sir Arthur was a Director of the South Australian Company, as well as of the National Bank, a member of the Synod of the Church of P'ngland and of the University Council, and a governor of St. Peter's College. lii 1864 he was gazetted as entitled to permanently retain the title " Honorable." In February, 1877, he was appointed Agent-General, on the death of Mr. F. S. Dutton. He was knighted in 1877, and made a Companion of the Order of the Bath in 1886. He died in England on December 7, 1891, having served his country with dignity, fidelity, and ability.