Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/378

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o:)- ADELAIDE AND VICINI'lY Mr. Walter Hughes Duncan, M.R SC^UTH AUSTRALIA is so dependent on her- agricultural and pastoral industries that it is but right and fair they should have due representation in the Parliament of the Province. Prominent among those members of the House of Assembly who represent the pastoral interests is Mr. Walter Hughes Duncan, who sits for Onkaparinga in that Chamber He was born at Anstruther, Fifeshire, Scodand, in 1848, and he and his brother, John James Duncan, came to South Australia with their father. Captain John Duncan, in 1854. Captain Duncan and his brother-in-law. Sir Walter Watson Hughes, engaged in squatting, and took up station property, which was eventually found to contain the famous Wallaroo and Moonta Copper Mines. The station, as originally selected by them, ran from Tipera Springs to Tickera Springs, and from Wallaroo to Green s Plains, covering altogether a very considerable area. Mr. Duncan spent his boyhood years on the fraternal property, and was sent to be educated at St. Peter's College with his brother Mr. J. J. Duncan. After the Wallaroo and Moonta Mines had been dis- covered, Mr. J. J. Duncan was given control of the office at the mines, whilst Mr. W. H. Duncan proceeded to Cambridge. Having spent two years at that seat of learning, he returned to South Australia, and immediately engaged in pastoral pursuits, as his father had done before him. In 187 1 he was given a station in the North-P!ast — by name Oulnina — a property of 800 .scjuare miles, which he still holds. In conjunction with his brother he also selected a large cattle station in the P'ar North ; but that venture was subsequently abandoned. Mr. W. H. Duncan is proprietor of Mernowie, a fine farming property near Saddleworth. In this district he resided for eight years, and during that period took a more than passing interest in the public affairs of the locality. He was Chairman of the Waterloo District Council for five years. Hammer & Co., Fkvto