Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/434

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4oS ADELAIDE AND VICINITY Messrs. T. G. H. Biiring and C. A. Sobels IN the agitation for the proclamation of the Province of South Austraha, stretching over a period of four years before the authorising Act of Parliament was passed, it was frequently set forth that the soils in this part of the south coast would take kindly to vine culture. Later, when the South Australian Company had been projected by the revered George Life Angas the records of local industries to be founded made special reference to the despatch of ex[)erienced vignerons. A few representatives of this class of workers were introduced ; but, notwithstanding that they were able to produce fine grapes, the conditions follow- ing upon local colonisation checked for several years any substantial attempt to establish a wine-making industry. It was not until late in the "forties" that any special advance was made in this direction. It was then believed by several experienced men that extensive areas of country afforded excellent prospects for such pur[)oses. Vineyards were planted in several districts, and a trade was developed in the course of ears ; but it is only, however, in the last two decades that South Australian wines have made any solid impression f)n English and European markets. To this day, however, many of these early vineyards continue in existence. Prominent among the vignerons of the Province to-day are the names of Messrs. Biiring & Sobels, who are joint proprietors of the Spring Vale Vineyard at Watervale. Mr. T. C>. Hermann Biiring was born in Berlin in 1S46, and in 1H49 came to South Australia with his parents in the ship Princess Louisa. His father, Mr. E. A. Biiring, was an engineer and a brassfounder by profession, and early entered into partnership with Mr. Ernst Eischer. Biiring junior was educated first at Mr. R. C. Mitton's school, and subsequently at the educational e.stablishment of Mr. J. C. Hansen. '_ When he left school Hammer df Co., Photo MR. T. O. H. miRINO