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48o Adelaide And vicinity


W Professor William Mitchell, M.A., D.Sc. PROFESSOR WILLIAM MITCHELL, M.A.. D.Sc, is justly credited with being a distinguished acquisition to South Australian talent. He was born at In vera von, Banffshire, Scotland, in 1861, and received his preliminary education at Elgin, whence he proceeded to the Edinburgh University. His career there was highly distinguished, and he took the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Science. While yet comparatively young, in 1886, he was appointed Lecturer in Ethics at the University of Edinburgh, after which he held successively such honorable offices as Lecturer on Education at Uni- versity College, London, Examiner in Philosophy at the University of Pxlinburgh, and Examiner in the Theory of Elducation at the University of Cambridge. The enumeration of these offices illus- trates the confidence and respect which Professor Mitchell's talents commanded at these seats of learning. In 1894 he came to the Universitv of Adelaide as Huyhes Professor of I^nglish Literature and of Mental and Moral Philosophy. He has contributed important articles on philosophical subjects to British and American Review.s, and his work at the local University meets with high commendation. Hammer & Co , Photo Professor Joshua Ives, M.B. PROFESSOR JOSHUA IVES was born near Manchester in 1854. He arrived in Adelaide in March, 1885. Within a month he delivered his inaugural address, framed the regulations for the new degrees of music, formulated the for students, and mapped out his lecture.s. The late Sir Thomas Elder having provided means for establishing a Conservatorium of Music, Professor Ives went to England in 1897 to enquire into the latest developments in teaching the Musical Art, and upon the result of his investigations in I'lngland and the Continent, the Folder Conservatorium of Music was founded in Adelaide. This Institution has the right to grant diplomas, associateships, and scholarships.