Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/541

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ADELAIDE AND VICINITY Mr. William Richard Randell WHFIN, tlurinu the second decade of the past centurw the River Murray was discovered by Hume and Howell, at Albury, New South Wales, curious speculations were indulged in as to the probable magnitude of this central water-way, and as to its importance to settlement. It was ears later that any extent of the Murray was surveyed ; and it was left to Sturt, in 1830, to determine its outlet in Lake Alex- andrina. I^ven then doubts existed as to the maritime importance of the great river ; and in the follow- ing year Barker and others were despatched from New South Wales to see whether the mouth afforded passage for large ships. A negative reply gave much disappointment to the authorities, and so, for a few- years, no attention was devoted to the great river. When the Province of South Australia was found(;d, it was the belief of some inHui-ntial pioneers that the capital should have been established near the mouth of the Murray, principally because of the water-way ; but, thcnigh several settlements were made upon its banks in the three colonies concerned, no serious effort was made for many years to use the water for transit j)urposes. Mr. William Richard Rantlell (better known as Caj)lain Randell) has the distinction of being the first to run a steamer along the sinuous course of the Murray, and since that time the river has assumed more and more importance in the eyes of poHticians. It has been the subject of many interccjlonial disputes, and has almost decided the fate of State policies of international importance. Mr. W. R. Randell was born at Sidbury, Devonshire, on May 2, 1824, and was one of the earliest arrivals in South Australia. He was educated partly at Exeter, England, and partly in Adelaide, where he arrived with his father, Mr. W. B. Randell, in October, 1837. The latter gentleman was one of the first sub-managers of the South Australian Company, Hammer & Co., Photo