Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/585

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ADELAIDE AND VICINITY 559 Mr. Robert Kyffin Thomas As remarked elsewhere, one of the most pleasant features in the eventful history of the South Atistralian Register consists in the maintenance of the hereditary principle in the proprietary. The character of a newspaper is necessarily greatly influenced by those associated with it. Indeed, it may be said to reflect the personality and intellectuality of its conductors, and the Register owes no small share of the high tone which it has always main- tained to the presence in its management during the greater part of its career of representatives of a family of sterling worth and great and tried ability. Mr. Robert Kyffin Thomas is the eldest surviving son of the late Mr. W. Kyffin Thomas, and grandson of the founder of the South Australian press. He was born on August 19, 1851, at Nailsworth, Adelaide, and attended the Adelaide Educa- tional Institute, presided over by the late Mr. John L. Young. Leaving school in 1868, he went direct to the Register, with the object of acquiring experience in both printing and literary work. He entered upon his train- ing in the printing depart- ment, and subsequently applied himself to gaining a knowledge Hammer & Co.. fhoto q{ ^lig literary branches. Even- tually he devoted himself wholly to reporting work, and in due course took a seat in the Parliamentary Gallery He became leader of the reporting staff, and had charge of the "Hansard" work until he left this department in 1882. In 1887, upon the death of Mr. Andrews, he was admitted to the proprietary, and his previous general training admirably fitted him for the duties incidental to the production of a large newspaper. Shortly after entering into partnership he assumed an active part in the supervision of the business, and particularly applied his energies to the enlargement and direction of the Adelaide Observer, the weekly journal issued from the