Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/601

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ADELAIDE AND VICINITY 575 Mr. Walter Henry Wadey THE reflection, that "life fulfils itself in many ways," of the old Jewish singer, is abundantly ])roved in any work of biography which claims to be representative. Apart from that particular professional or commercial sphere which a young man chooses as the work of his manhood, if he have the talents he usually employs them in other subsidiary and less selfish grooves. Thus he may become a |)olitician, an authority on civic affairs, or he may devote himself to the elevated cause of philan- thropy. The subject of this sketch has directed considerable attention to the work of friendly societies. Walter Henry Wadey is a native of Adelaide, South Australia, where he was born on July 29, 1848. His fath(;r was a colonist of some imjiortance, and carried on business in Currie Street for many years. Young Wadey was articled to the legal firm of Matthews & Ander- son, and subsequently, upon the death of Mr. Anderson, to Messrs. Matthews & R. B. Co.k. Having been admitted to practise at the .South Australian Bar, he entered into partnership with the firm, which became known as Matthews, Co.x, & W^idey. Mr. Wadey, however, retired from this com- bination, and practised alone until Cox, who had meanwhile been Hammer & Co., fhotu 1 88 1, when a fellow-clerk in the old office, Mr. Y.. J practising at Kadina, moved to Adelaide and entered into partnership with him, the firm being styled Wadey & E. J. Cox. This firm continues in existence, and possesses a substantial connection in the city. Mr. Wadey's standing as a lawyer is best indicated by the statement that he has been for many years solicitor to the Adelaide Cori>oration, an office of responsibility and importance. He has been the solicitor to the Licensed Victuallers' Association (another strong local institution) ever since its formation. Mr. Wadey has been identified with the Walkerville District Council for several