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The Founders ADELAIDE AND VICINITY 35 appointing the civil officers; the commission of Captain Hindmarsh was read, and the oaths were administered to the officers present. Then Mr. Stevenson, the Private Secretary, read in the hearing of all the peo[)le the proclamation consti- tuting South Australia a L^ Province of the British Empire. This historical ceremony was performed beneath a rugged gum- tree, and as the s])ecies is typical of the coun- try, no more appropriate situation could have been chosen. The reverend eucalypt still exists, though torn and bent by the weight of years. It is encircled by a fence, and upon it is a plate inscribed with its history. PROCLAIHATIOM By His ExcFLKKXCY Joiix lllD>IARNII, Knip;ht of the Ro.yal Hanoverian f.uelpliic Order, Governor and Coninian«ier-in-l'tiief niH WAJENTY'S PROVINCE ISODTII 4 LI A. In kSnaonring to lh» Colowht* of His Majihtv's Poouvck of f oi Th .^lSTFA^n, ht (■■»«l>l.ihiL«il of tV« OoMT-rmeot, 1 Jirrehj call ■pno itifni la ci.ajuct thrmselfti oD kll (>cr«tioo« wiih order ktid ijuipla> <«, iJuly to rnpfrt ihi.' !«»«, t.DcJ li) b coui r i>l ijiiluairj uiJ M'lrirtj br ll.c praciicr of aotjid a •ad hit tilonj. ralu). BQ<1 » iirtci ot^ienaaLC Fa^scitb oi «  It ia »!i«i, •! lh>* time npcciall.T, my A.<y lO *ppiiii> the C..1 n.*l» of my ffsoLlioo, to l.V* rrer^ , to iht NATIVE I'OI'lLATION » lo thf re.r of Mu M../»r) . Suu/-fy an,! of .f.) t.-u^ uoi •rtni). tU acU of vuiliDcc ot injiuturt vhcb nay in *n) nHOruT It ].nfru>rij ci btttDipitd ugaiixt iL* Na •uj^-a u:id«r ihe S«(ffu*r<J of the U« aa lh< I'oioni.ia ihem-fNei, aud r-jual.j rnriMfd lo >le pr»ilp.. <l H* fi.6'1 Off tci ihe *i0<na« of n:»lKra(ion and f rbaar^Df-^ li nil ClaKck, lu l-iur inlcrLOUtar *i[b (lie Ntiii£ nn <.p o'uriirf ut aatuiiuK rrr u> fulfil H>t Majrily'i mutt ^tcioun ^.id )>faC'olrDI in(«iiliii. c.oard* I!<<il ciifj.tau 'ij- abd bltiicaicl), autUt ih» Ll. -•n.g »l UiT.ur I'ti'TwicaLC. thtir touitmon to tlie Ctutaliau K^.h. Simultaneously with a royal salute the British Hag was displayed. The escort of marines fired a yi'n dc Joie, and from over the water came the sound of 15 guns from the Buffalo. Captain Hind- marsh affably shook hands with his subjects, and all sat down in the open air to a cold collation. A table of boards supported on barrels held viands adapted to the circum- stances of the occasion — there was salt beef, salt pork, an indifferent ham, as well as a few bottles of ale and porter, [)ort and sherry. At the conclusion of the al fresco "banquet," the Governor congratulated the people on having such a fine country, D2 Hy fti# Exvellenvif H command, ROBERT ClOrCiER, ColottUel Secretary, Cl^ti^ 3Mk DKrmUr. 1936 God save the Kixd:. Cls^ii^ TniicJ li aut!< ^» IMjBLRI THOU'-Sm.I CO.C, i.