Page:History of Adelaide and vicinity.djvu/644

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6i8 ADELAIDE AND VICINITY APPENDIX C ASSESSMENTS ON CITY PROPERTIES The area of the Municipality of Adelaide is 53^ square miles, including 2,300 acres of park lands and 47}^ acres of squares and plantations. It is divided into six wards named Hindmarsh, Gawler, Grey, and Young in South Adelaide, and Robe and MacDonnell in North Adelaide. Year Total Annual Value Year Total Annual Value 1852 / 1 36,800 1877 ^263,632 1853 1 12,100 1878 289,030 ■854 130,684 1879 , 322,475 1855 148,504 1880 354.557 1856 160,598 1881 384,101 •857 189,514 1882 405.763 1858 182,682 1883 485,068 1859 193,636 1884 499,202 i860 165.824 1885 502,744 1861 162,777 1886

  • 433'373

1862 148,651 1887 t35 1.779 1863 150.727 1888 355.728 1864 160,915 1889 390,374 1865 166,186 1890 388,842 1866 ■7'. 238 1891 390,365 1867 181,388 1892 391.819 1868 185,494 1893 394.208 1869 201,511 1894 j394,2o8 1870 209,717 1895 411,297 1871 2 1 2,841 1896 412,996 1872 209,245 1897 417,900 1873 2 1 2,248 1898 424,881 1874 216,991 1899 426,086 1875 225,086 1900 429.369 1876 239.355 1901 434.548

  • End of land boom. Re

t Further reduction of 20 J City Treasurer's report duction of 15 per cent, on previous ye per cent, by resolution of the City Cc states that no alteration was made in ir's total made in valuation by 1 uncil previous year's assessment esolution of the City Council