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to attract the attention of readers. He fought for the adoption of the Constitution, but was bitterly opposed to the return of confiscated property to those who had left America during the War to live in England or any of the colonies. No paper in Massachusetts was more bitter toward the tax on newspapers passed by the State Legislature in 1785 than was The Centinel. Russell took special delight in printing allegories hi his paper. Of these, one of the best was entitled "The Federal Ship," pub- lished shortly after the inauguration of Washington in 1789:

Just launched on the Ocean of Empire, the Ship COLUMBIA, GEORGE WASHINGTON, Commander, which, after being thir- teen years in dock, is at length well manned, and in very good condi- tion. The Ship is a first rate has a good bottom, which all the Builders have pronounced sound and good. Some objection has been made to parts of the tackling, or running rigging, which, it is supposed, will be altered, when they shall be found to be incommodious, as the Ship is able to make very good headway with them as they are. A jury of Car- penters have this matter now under consideration. The Captain and First Mate are universally esteemed by all the Owners, Eleven 1 in number and she has been insured, under their direction, to make a good mooring in the harbor of Public Prosperity and Felicity whither- to she is bound. The Owners can furnish, besides the Ship's Company, the following materials: New-Hampshire, the Masts and Spars; Massachusetts, Timber for the Hull, Fish, &c.; Connecticut, Beef and Pork; New-York, Porter and other Cabin stores; New- Jersey, the Cord- age; Pennsylvania, Flour and Bread; Delaware, the Colors, and Clothing for the Crew; Maryland, the Iron work and small Anchors; Virginia, Tobacco and the Sheet Anchor; South-Carolina, Rice; and Georgia, Powder and small Provisions. Thus found, may this good Ship put to sea, and the prayer of all is, that GOD may preserve her, and bring her in safety to her desired haven.

On June 16, 1790, The Centinel was enlarged and the word Columbian was substituted for that of Massachusetts.


One incident in the career of Russell should not be omitted. When Congress held its first session, the country was almost bankrupt. In view of this fact, Russell offered to publish in his

1 Only eleven States had then adopted the Constitution. North Caro- lina and Rhode Island are not recognized as owners of