Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/259

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Showing free use of Cuts before the Invention of Cylinder Presses

PHILADELPHIA STOVE MANUFACTORY, No. 189 N Second street, t\vo doors below the sign of the Barley Sheuf, between ll'Ce and Vine streets. HENRY J. FOUGERAY re- spectfully informs the citi- zens of 'the U. States that he continues to manufacture .an extensive assortment of his Patent Stoves, for burn- ing Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, for Churches, Halls, Parlours, Kitchens, Offices, &c. together with Nine Ptote, Open and Cabin Stoves, Cambouses, Backs, Jams, &.c. AH of which he will dispose of at low prices. N B.~ Cash given for Old Stoves and Scrap Iron, or taken In exchange. aug 18-6m Approved Cook Stoves Perpetual Oven, dec. No. Ill North Second street, Phi ladelphia. GKO J.FOUGE- B'AY informs the citizens of the United States that he continues to. manufacture his approved Cook Stoves, to burn coal and wood, with stoves for churches, Jialls, offices, stores, &c. Also, Perpetual Ovens. N.H. All kinds of old Stoves and Irpn taken in