Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/42

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mr, who sayes that Cap* Wheeler that went hence for Jamaica is Dead his men all prest on board men of warr and his Ship Hal'd up.

Capt Blew from R4 Island is arrived here this Day.

The Gosport and Gaily is this Day sailed for Piscataqua.

Philad. May 28: Arrived a Sloop in 22 Dayes from Antegua in whom Came Cap* Roach an Inhabitant of that Island w* h his family to Setle here, brings the bad news of our forces Leaving Guardilup untaken w* h the Loss of about 1000 by Enemy and Sickness. The Day (?he) Sailed the Gener 1 . 1 Arrived who has lost his Eye Sight w* h Some Distemper, the rest of the fleett and forces were Exspected from Guardi- loop, the Genell. Layes the Miscarridge so to heart that it's thought he'l hardly Recover upon it.

It 'a said that the men of warr that were at Guardiloop were all or- dered home, and were to Sail the 29* h may.

Some prisoners that made their Escape from Martinico to Antegua Says that the french were fitting out abundance of privateers from that place many of them Stout Vessels.

It's reported in the West Indies that monsT Ponti was daylie Ex- spected there w th a Squadron of men of warr of 22 Sail besydes other Vessells.

The 31 Arrived here a Sloop from Jamaica 28 Dayes passage, Ad- mir 1 . 1 Whetstone w th his Squadron was at Jamaica, he's done nothing only burnt a Ship the french took from us and two privateer Sloops at Pettiquavis.

A fleet of merchantmen between 40 & 50 Sail und? Convoy a 2 or 3 men of warr was to sail in May from Jamaica to England.

N Yorke June 7: Last Week Arrived here a Sloop from Coraso, 21 Dayes passage sayes the Dutch have an open Trade w th New Spain and that the Governour of Coraso has stopt Cap*. Wrightington & his Comp* who Sailed from R Island on what pretence knows not.

Cap* Bond & Cap* Sinclair Sails in a fourth Night or 3 Week's for London.

Boston Capt. Travise sails to Day or Too morrow for London


To The Hon ble

John Winthrop EsqT

GovT of Connecticut

ffranke N London


So numerous were the requests to John Campbell for extra news advices that neither he nor his brother, Duncan Campbell, was able to make the supply equal to the demand simply by the pen. He was forced to employ the printing-press. His first