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a principal Merchant of this place died April 15 & was decently inter'd April, 18. ^Etatis 53.

The Honourable Col. Nathanael Byfield Esq. is Commissioned Judge of the Admiralty for the Provinces of Massachusetts-Bay, New-Hamp- shire and Rhod-Island. And Thomas Newton Esq. Judge-Deputy for the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay.

The 20. the Rd. Mr. Pemberton Preach'd an Excellent Sermon on 1 Thes. 4. 11. And do your own business: Exhorting all Ranks & Degrees of Persons to do their own work, in order to a REFORMATION: which His Excellency has ordered to be Printed.

The 21. His Excellency Dissolved the Gen. Assembly.

Rhode-Island 22. The Rd. Mr. Lockyer dyed on Thurs. last

Capt. Toungrello has taken Five Prizes off of Curraso, one of which is come in to Rhode-Island mostly Loaden with Cocco, Tobacco, Li- quors &c. She is a Curraso Trader, as all the rest were. One of the Five was one Larew a French-man, a Sloop of 8 Guns & 8 Patteraro's 76 Men, Fought him Board and Board three Glasses; Capt. Larew was kill'd, and 20 of his Men kill'd & wounded: Capt. Toungrello wounded thro' the Body; and five of his men, but none kill'd, he had but 40 Fighting Men, when he took Larew.

The 18 Currant, came in a Sloop to this Port from Virginia, the Mas- ter informed Governour Cranston Esq. he was Chased by a Top-sail Shallop off of Block-Island, which he judged to be a French Privateer, and that there was two other Vessels in her Company, which he judged to be her Prizes. Whereupon his Honour being concerning for the Pub- lick Weal and Safety of Her Majesties good Subjects, immediately caused the Drum to beat for Voluntiers, under the Command of Capt. Wanton, and in 3 or four hours time, Fitted and Man'd a Brigantine, with 70 brisk young men well Arm'd, who Sail'd the following Night, returning last Evening, and gave his Honour an Account, that they found the aforesaid Shallop, with one other, and a Ketch at Tarpolian Cove, who were all Fishing Vessels belonging to Marblehead or Salem, who were Fishing off of Block-Island, one of them was a French built Shallop with a Topsail, which gave the great suspician that they were Enemies.

New- York, April, 17. By a Barque from Jamacia, (last from Bar- muda, 7 Weeks Passage,) says, there was an Imbargo in that Island sev- eral Months, occasioned by News they had of a design the French & Spaniards had, to make a descent upon them: She came out with the Homeward bound London Fleet, who are gone home without Convoy.

Capt. Davison in the Eagle Gaily, Sailes for London, in a Month, if the Virginia Fleet stays so long; he intends to keep them Company Home, if not, to run for it, being Built for that Service.

Philadelphia, April, 14. An Account that the Dreadnaught Man of War was Arrived in Marryland.

N. London, April, 20. The Adventure, A Vessell 60 Tuns, will Sail from thence to London, in three Weeks or a Months time.