Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/497

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a, 44

Chronicle, Washington, 336 Wilmington, 56 San Francisco, 337, 360, 379 Church, W. C., 268 Cicero, 3

Circulation, statement, 95, 142 Citizen, Vicksburg, 307 Civic societies, influence of, 400 Civil War Period, 285

reactions, 318 Clay, Henry, 222 Claypoole, 118 Clemens, S. E., 248 Cleveland, Grover, 362 Coleman, William, 107, 135 Collins, Isaac, 60 Colonial Period, 62 Colorado, early papers in, 250 Colton, Walter, 239 Combination of publishers, 114, 275,


Connecticut, early papers in, 51 Conrad, R. T., 267 Contents of first daily paper, 118 Continent, New York, 373 Cooper, J. F., 221 Cooperative newspapers, 339 Copperhead press, 285 Gotten, G. B., 183 Country weeklies, 304 Courant, Connecticut, 52

Constitutional, 84

Delaware, 57

Hartford, 355

New England, 29, 33, 48 "Court Paper," 173 Courier, Charleston, 139, 334 Courier-Journal, Louisville, 340, 379 Craig, D. H., 217, 276 Craske, Charles, 311 Crime, treatment, 223, 441, 449 Cummings, Alexander, 267, 269 Curry, George L., 237

Dailies, first in America, 118

oldest in New York, 134 Daily Acts, 3

Daily, contents of first, 118 Dana, Charles Anderson, 210, 321, 325,


Dana, Paul, 374 Davis, James, 53 Davis, Jefferson, 261 Day, Benjamin Henry, 187 DeForeest, Henry, 39 Delaware, early papers, 56 Denver, early papers, 400

Departments for women, 392

Department Stores, influence of, 431

District of Columbia, 172

Dix, Dorothy, 389

Draft riots, 286

Draper, John, 25

Draper, Richard, 25

Duncan, Matthew, 181

Dunlop, George, 374, 411

Eagle, Brooklyn, 220, 370 Eddy, Mary Baker, 414 Edes, B., 85 Edes, P., 168 Editorial, changes, 106

combats, 212

corrections, 402

giants, 276

leading of period, 294

Page, influenced by adver- tisers, 439

Page, revival of, 422

prayer meeting, 268

prostitution, 447

of secession, 296

signed, 448

Editors jailed, 41, 55, 102, 148 Editors of West, 378 Eliot, Charles William, 450 Ellis, Albert, 232 Emancipator, 152 Embree, Elihu, 152 English, W. B., 192 Enquirer, Cincinnati, 378 Ethics, newspaper, 388, 390, 413, 441,


European War, effect of, 419 Evasion of law, 11 Evening papers, 341, 382, 421 Examiner, San Francisco, 337, 360 Exorbitant war rates, 307 Expresses, pigeon, 217

pony, 219, 252, 258 steam, 212 Extras, first, 24

sporting, 382 war, 93, 367

Exposures by newspapers, 239 Extramural activities of newspapers, 357, 377

Farley, Samuel, 66

Feature paper, first, 133

Federalist, The, 121

Federal supervision, 226, 394, 396

Feminizing newspaper, 389

Fenno, John, 122