Page:History of American Journalism.djvu/500

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Libel Suits, Crosby vs. Zenger, 42

Government vs. New York

World, 407 McKean vs. Cobbett, 101

Liberator, 153

License for journalism, 403

Lincoln, Abraham, 283, 285, 291, 294, 295, 303

Literary daily, 138

Log cabin, 208

Logotypes, 279

Location, papers, 108, 348

Louisiana, early papers, 165

Lounsberry, Clement A., 255

Lowell, J. R., 258

Madison, James, 112, 140, 143 Maine, early papers, 167 Marble, Manton, 321, 352, 370, 372 Marion, J. H., 250 Martinez, Antonio, 233 Maryland, early papers, 45 Massachusetts, early papers, 17, 29 Massacre, Boston, 86 Mather, Increase, 8, 30 Maxwell, William, 174 Maverick, Augustus, 341 McClure, A. K, 363 McClure, S. S., 330 McKelway, St. Glair, 221, 370 Mecom, Benjamin, 52 Medicinal advertising, 72, 225, 390 Medill, Joseph, 265, 276, 352 Meeker, Jotham, 232 Mercury, American Weekly, 31

Cape Fear, 55

Charleston, 332

Newport, 49

New York, 77, 80, 83, 87, 93

Portsmouth, 56 Mergenthaler machines, 317 Meridith, Hugh, 33 Merrick, J. L., 251

Mexican War to Civil War Period, 258 Michigan, early papers, 179 Military exceptions for journalists, 310 Miller, Samuel, 180 Minnesota, early papers, 240 Mississippi, early papers, 177 Mitchell, E. P., 374 Montana, early papers, 253 Moore, J. H., 236 Mormons, 246 Morton, J. S., 246 Morton, Thomas, 245 Mother Goose Rhymes, 69 Moury, Sylvester, 249

Mowry, John, 166 Municipal newspapers, 410 Munsey, Frank A., 373

National Era, 262 National Republican organ, 151 Nebraska, early papers, 245 Nelson, William R., 376 Nevada, early papers, 248 New Hampshire, early papers, 55 New Jersey, early papers, 59 New Mexico, early papers, 233 New York, early papers, 36

evening papers, 341 newspaper generals, 302 News, Boston Daily, 331

Chicago Daily, 360, 375, 390 Dallas, 330 Deseret, 242 Detroit, 379, 412 Gaheston, 339 Indianapolis, 336, 359 Los Angeles Municipal, 410 Portland, 237 Rocky Mountain, 378 San Francisco, 264 News, associations, city, 317, 375 "boiled down," 67 charted, 448 desire for, 1 mode of treatment, 67, 92, 260,


suppression of, 430, 441 News-Letter, Boston, 17, 19, 70 News-Letters, Campbell's printed, 18,

27, 69, 70

Campbell's writtsn, 17 English, 6 Roman, 2 Newspaper, adless, 408

advertising, 355, 390, 392 advertising label, 397 battles, 211

beginnings in colonies. See Beginnings in States and Territories changes, 335 conditions in North, 309 conditions in West, 310 cost of production, 69, 159 disinfected, 107 endowed, 409 ethics, 388, 390, 413, 441,


federal supervision of, 226 first use of word, 7 literary influence