Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/165

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Bk. I. Ch. V. GREEK AND ROMAN PERIOD. 133 CHAPTER V. GREEK AXD ROMAX PERIOD. CONTEXTS. Decline of art — Temples at Dendera — Kalabsche-Philae. THE third stage of Eg^-ptian art is as exceptional as the two which ] "receded it, and as unlike anything else which has occurred in any other lands. From the time of the 19th dynasty, with a slight revival under the Bubastite kings of the 2"2d dvnastv, Effvpt sank throucrh a lone ] leriod of decay, till her mis- fortunes were consumma- ted by the invasion of the Persians under Cambyses, 6li5B.c. From that time she served in a bondage more destructive, if not so galling as that of the Shepherd domination, till relieved by the more enlightened pol- icy of the Ptolemys. Under them she enjoyed as great material prosperity as un- der her own Pharaohs; and her architecture and lier arts too revived, not, it is true, with the greatness or the purity of the great na- tional era, but still with nincli richness and material sjilendor. This was continued un- der the Roman domination, and, judging from Avhat we find in other countries, we ■^^^ -^^^P i_ k:!^3 35. Plan of Temple at Edfou, ApoUonopolis Magna. Scale 100 ft. to 1 in. would naturally expect to find traces of the influence of Greek aii<l