Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/17

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anything beyond this is attempted, the historical method is the only one which enables it to be done. Believing that the architectural public do now desire something more than mere dry information with regard to the age and shape of buildings, it has been determined to remodel the work and to adopt the historical arrangement.

In the present instance there does not seem to be the usual objection to such a rearrangement—that it would break the thread of continuity between the old and the new publication—inasmuch as, whichever method were adopted, the present work must practically be a new book. The mass of information obtained during the last ten years has been so great that even in the present volume a considerable portion of it had to be rewritten, and a great deal added. In the second volume the alterations will be even more extensive. The publication of the great national work on Spanish antiquities,[1] of Parcerisa's "Beauties, etc., of Spain,"[2] and, above all, Mr. Street's work,[3] have rendered Spanish architecture as intelligible as that of any other country, though ten years ago it was a mystery and a puzzle. Schulz's[4] work has rendered the same service for Southern Italy, while the publications of De Vogüé[5] and Texier[6] will necessitate an entirely new treatment of the early history of Byzantine art. The French have been busily occupied during the last ten years in editing their national monuments, so have the Germans. So that in Europe little of importance remains to be described. In Asia, too, great progress has been made. Photography has rendered us familiar with many buildings we only knew before by description, and both the Hindu and Mahomedan remains of India are now generally accessible to the public. Colonel Yule's[7] work on Burmah and M. Mouhot's[8] on Siam have made us acquainted with the form of the buildings of those countries, and China too has been opened to the architectural student. When the Handbook was written there were many places and buildings regarding which no authentic information was available. That can liardly be said to be the case now as respects any really important building, and the time, therefore, seems to have

  1. "Monumentos Arquitectonicos de España." Folio. Madrid, 1860, et seqq.
  2. Parcerisa, "Recuerdos y Bellezas de España." Folio. Madrid. In course of publication. 10 vols. published.
  3. "Gothic Architecture in Spain," by G. E. Street. Murray. 1865.
  4. "Denkmäler der Kunst des Mittelalters in Unter Italien," by H. W. Schulz. Dresden, 1860. Quarto. Atlas, folio.
  5. "Syrie Centrale," by Count M. De Vogüé. Paris. In course of publication.
  6. "Byzantine Architecture," by Chev. Texier. London, 1864.
  7. "Mission to the Court of Ava in 1855," by Colonel Yule. 4to. London, 1858.
  8. "Travels in Siam and Cambodia," by Henri Mouhot. London: John Murray. 1864.