Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/200

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168 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE. Part L reveted with sculptural slabs of alabaster, generally about 9 ft. in heiglit, like those at Nimroucl. These either represent the wars, or the peaceful amusements of King Sargon, commemorate his magnificence, or express liis religious feelings. The o-reat ])ortals that gave access to the Palace of Khorsabad from the citv were among the most magnificent of those yet discovered. The facade in which they stood presented a frontage of 330 ft., in which were three portals ; the central one flanked by great luiman-headed 100 nl.- 200 300 SCALE. soo f- 62. Plan of at Khoisabail, as coiniiletely excavated by :M. Place. The parts black ami tiiiteil were actually found. Those in outline are conjectural. bulls 1S> fl. in height, and on each side two other bulls 15 ft. high, with a giant strangling a lion between them, as shown in the woodcut (No. 63), representing what still reniaincd of them when uncovered by M. Botta, and now forming one of the principal ornaments of the British Museum. These portals were reached from the city by a flight of steps,