Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/202

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170 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE. Part I. this court was by the raiii}) l)efore alluded to, which was indeed the only access to the palace for chariots and horsemen. From the second court, through the only vaulted i)assage in the palace, access was obtained to the state apartments looking over the country. The three princii)al of these are shown to^ larger scale in the woodcut (No. 64), ^ssss?s?5sr5WT] — T — r^^^T^^^^

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.^ 10 20 30 40 64. Enlarged Plan of the Three Principal Koonis at Khorsabad. Scale 50 ft. to 1 in. with their dimensions figured upon them. The next woodcut (No. 65) is a restored section of these apartments, showing what their arrange- ment was, and the mode in which it is conceived they were roofed, according to llu- information gathei'ed on the spot, and what we find after wai-ds ])ractised at Perscpolis and elsewhere, i It will be observed that the area covered by the walls is of nearly the sniKc extent as that of the rooms themselves, so that the galleries formed, in fact, an upper stoiy to the palace ; and thus, in the heat of the day, the thickness of the walls kept the inner apartments free from heat .'111(1 glare, while in the evenings and mornings the galleries formed airy and ligjit apartments, affording a view over the country. 1 Spare will not admit of my entering into all the n'asf)ns for tliis restoration here. If any one wishes for fnrther infor- mation on the siil)j('ft, I must icfer liim 1(1 my •■ I'alaccs of Nineveli and Persepo- iis Itcslored," ]iiili]ish('(lin 1X51. Notii- iiiU lias occurr('(i during the twenty-three years that have elapsed since that work was published that has at all shaken my views on the correctness of the data on which these restorations were based. On the contrary, every subsequent research has served only more and more to con- vince me of their general correctness, and 1 cannot now suggest any improve- ment even in details.