Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/263

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West View of the Acropolis. (Froiu Woidswortli's " Athens." i) BOOK III. CHAPTER I. GREECE. CONTEXTS. Historical notice — Pelasgic art — Tomb of Atreus — Other remains — Hellenic Greece — History of the orders — Doric order — The Parthenon — Ionic order — Corinthian order — Caryatides — Forms of temples — Mode of lighting — Municipal architecture — Theatres. CHRONOLOGICAL MEMORANDA. DATES. Atridse at Mycenae, from . b. c. 1207 to 1104 Return of the Heraclidaj to Peloponuese 1104 Olympiads commence 776 Cy"pselid» at Corinth — Building of tem- ple at Corinth, from .... 65.5 to 581 Seliuus founded, and first temple com- menced 626 Ascendency of >li!gina — Building of tern- pie at ^iSgina, from 508 to 449 Battle of Marathon 490 DATES. Battle of Salamis b. c. 480 Theron at Agrigentum. Commences great temple 480 Cimon at Athens. Temple of Theseus built 469 Pericles at Athens. Parthenon finished 4.38 Temple of .Jupiter at <Jlympia finished . 4.36 Propyhea at Athens built, from . 437 to 4.32 Selinus destroyed by Carthaginians . . 410 Erechtheium at Athens finished . . . 409 Monument of Lysierates at Athens . . .335 Death of Alexander the Great .... 324 TILL within a very recent period the histories of Greece anrl Rome have been considered as the ancient histories of the world ; and even now, in our universities and public schools, it is scarcely acknowledged ' Beule's excavations have proved " Acropole d'Athenes." Paris, vol. that the outer gate of the Acropolis was pi. i. and ii. in front, not at the side as here shown.