Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/270

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238 GRECIAN ARCHITECTURE. Part I. •(Woodcut No. 122), and in the Gate of the Lions at Mycenae (Wood- cut No. 129) ; but it is by no means clear whether the pediments were always filled up with sculpture, as in this instance, or left open. In the walls of a town they were probably always closed, but left open in a chamber. In the gate at Mycenae the two lions stand against an altar i shaped like a pillar, of a form found only in Lycia, in which the round ends of the timbers of the roof are shown as if projecting into the frieze. These are slight remains, it must be confessed, from which to reconstruct an art which had so much influence on the civilization of nr^mm ji ■.' X~gB ^^i— ' '.'" ■ill|l»Hll|§* !J ^ ^■'■"jae? ' , mm. xdiBB !i ~2 ^_j'_ — -- 127. Gateway at Assos. (From Texier's "Asie Mineure.") ',',, '■■ ^"i^ ^

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_-. LjLiAM- "' wis ' .,i |uL i W, •':; .,'.4'i. 1 128. Doorway at Missolonglii. (From Dodwell.) 129. Gate of Lions, 'Mycenae. Greece ; but they are sufficient for the archfeologist, as the existence of a few fossil fragments of the bones of an ele]ihnnt or a tortoise suffice to ]irove the ])re-existoiice of those animals wherever they have been found, and enable the ])ala^ontologist to reason upon them with ' It is to bf rojrrottorl that no r:ist of these, the oldest senlptnres of their elass in existenee, has readied this eountry. One is said to exist at Berhn. but- it is inaccessible to science. The drawings hitherto made of them are so inexact that it is impossible to reason on them, whilst as types of a style they are among the most interesting known to exist any- where.