Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/307

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Bk. UI. Ch. II. CYRENE. 275 tecture of that age ; but unfortunately we cannot yet go backwards and point out the type from which the design of the Mausoleum itself was elaborated. The tombs of Babylon and Passargadae are remote 1Ij4. Lion Tomb at Cnidus. (From Newton.) botli geographically and artistically, though not Avithout ceitain essential resemblances. Perhaps the missing links may some day reward the industry of some scientific explorer. Cyrexe. At Cyrene there is a large group of tombs of Grecian date and with Grecian details, but all cut in the rock, and consequently differing widely in their form from those just described. It is not clear whether the circumstance of this city possessing such a necro- polis ai'ose from its proximity to Egypt, and consequently from a mere desire to imitate that people, or from some ethnic peculiarity.