Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/393

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Bk. IV. Ch. V. TOMBS. 361 was found passing nnder the sill of the false door on the east from a detached building standing outside the platform, and which seems 243. Plan of the Kubr Roumeia. (From Berbrugger.) Scale 100 ft. to 1 in. to have been originally constructed to cover and protect the entrance. From this a Avinding passage, 560 ft. in length, led to the central chamber where it is assumed the royal bodies were once deposited, but when opened no trace of theni remained, nor anything to indicate who they were, nor in what manner they were buried. 244. View of Madraceu. (From a plate iu Blakesley's " Four JMoiiths in Algeria.") The other tomb, the Madracen, is very similar to this one, l)ut smaller. Its peristyle is of a sort of Doric order, without bases, and