Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/484

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452 FRENCH ARCHITECTURE. Part 11. Urban II. in 109G. It vas not then quite complete, but there seems no doubt but that the nave, as we now find it, was finished by the year 1100. As will be seen from the annexed section, the side-aisles and all the openings are constructed with round arches ; but the difficulty of Taulting the nave forced on the architects the introduction of the pointed arch. It is here constructed solid, with flat ribs over each pillar, and without any attempt to pierce it for the. introduction of liglit ; and as the west end is blocked up — fortified in fact — the result is gloomy enough. This example is also interesting when looked at from another point of view. If we turn back to Woodcuts Nos. 188 and 189, and compare them with this section, we shall be able to gauge exactly the changes 312. Section of Cluireh at Carcassone, with the ouu-i Ai:^les added in the 14th Century. No scale. which were introduced, aid the progress that was made, during the 1000 years that elapsed between the erection of these two ])uildings. In the plan of the Temple of Diana at Nimes, we have the same three- aisled arrangement as at Carcassone. Their dimensions are not very dissimilar ; the nave at Nimes is 27 ft. wide, the aisles 74- ft. in the clear. At Carcassone th^s becomes 25 ft. and 10 ft. respectively. The aisles are in the early exam]>les separated from the nave by screen walls, adorned with pillars which are mere ornaments. In the later exam])le the pillars have become the main support of the roof, the wall being omitted between them. The roof of the nave in both instances is adorned with flat ribs, one over each pillar ; but at Nimes the rib is rather wider than the space between. At Carcassone the rib occupies only one fourth of the width of the bay. One of their most striking differences is, that Nimes dis])lays all that megalithic grandeur for which the works of the