Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/501

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Bk. II. Ch. II. AQUITANIA. 469 which in reality gives it much more the appearance of the interior of a mosque in Cairo than of a Christian church of the Middle Ages. The building is not large, being only 205 ft. in length internally, including the porch, and 110 across the transepts. Its ao-e is not accurately known, antiquaries having insisted on placing it in the 12th century on account of its jiointed arches, whereas the probability rather seems to be that it belongs to the 11th century. (a Wj^ll!!^ 330. Interior of Church at Souillac. (From Taylor and Nodier.) The cathedral at Angouleme (Woodcut No. 331) is another and still more extended example of this class, having three domes in the nave; the first with the facade belonging certainly to the 11th, thei rest to the 12th century. The form of these domes, with the arrange- ment of the side walls, will be understood from the Woodcut No. 332 The method adopted in this church may be considered as tyj^ical of