Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/513

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Bk. II. Ch. II. AQUITAXIA. 481 oil. S)t. i-loi, ii,!:|Atlioii. (i'liuii lajloi and >>odiei.") ordinate, and the archi- tectural members are so grouped as to form a pleas- ing and effective design, not unlike some instances found farther north, and in our own country. The varieties of these, however, are so endless that it would be in vain to attempt either to par- ticularize or to describe them. Many of these ar- ]-angements are unusual, though almost always pleasing, as in the church at Espalion (Woodcut N"o. 347), where the belfry is erected as a single wall over the chancel-arch, and groups well with the apsi- dal termination, though, as in almost every instance in this country, the west- ern fa9ade is wanting in sufficient feature and char- acter to balance it. VOL. I. — 31 348. Tomb at SI. I'ierre, 'J'lmlousi;. (From Taylor and Kodier.)